1) Add the contents of six memory bytes andd store the sum in memory:
a) Define variable VAR in the data segment to be 6 bytes long with random numbers in each byte.
b) Define a one-byte variable ANSWER that is initialized to zero.
c) Add VAR[0] through VAR[5] (6 bytes in total)
d) Put the sum in ANSWER.
e) Use a looping and any addressing mode that you find acceptable.
2)Change question one to keep track each time the carry bit is set.
a) Use a new variable called ANSWER1.
b) Each time carry is set add one to ANSWER1
Note: The word-size sum of all the bytes is: ANSWER1 for the high byte, ANSWER for the low byte.
3. This program is to count the number of lower and upper case characters and store the result in memory.
a) Store a string that includes upper case, lower case and other ASCII characters at location STRING1.
b) Write a program that reads 20 bytes of the character data that are stored at location STRING1 and counts the number of upper case characters. And the number of lower case charactors.
c) Store this total in location UPPER and location LOWER.
4. Change question three to keep reading any number of data bytes until the sentinal value 0FF16 is encountered. Make sure that the last byte stored at location STRING1 has the value 0FF16.
5. Write a program that gets a byte of data from location DATA1.
a) If DATA1 has bit 0 set, subtract 2016 from the value.
b) If bit 7 is set, clear bits 4 through 7.
c) If both bit 0 and bit 7 are set, then toggle bits 0 through 3.
Hint: You may find the test instruction useful for this problem.
6. Write a program which returns to DOS if x is pressed. Any other key is to be echoed to the screen.
This interrupt waits for a key press and returns the keycode:
mov ah,00h
int 16h ;interrupt 16h, function 0h
Exit condition:
• AH returns the keyboard scan code
• AL returns the ASCII character code
Key Scan code ASCII code
A 1Eh 41h (61h)
X 2Dh 58h (78h)
X 01h 1Bh
第5题有点迷糊...感谢锟鹏展翅为我找出错误,谢谢!现在可能没问题了呵呵...有什么问题的话还请指出 1 assume cs:code, ds:datas datas segment var db 100, 77, 69, 201, 32, 148 answer db 0 datas ends code segment start:mov bx, datas mov ds, bx mov cx, 6 mov bx, offset...
Exit_Proc: mov ax,4c00h ;结束程序
最高悬赏只能加到200 囧 追答 please interput a nuber: 数据1 数据2 数据3 XXX XXX ……数据10 如果在原来的程序上改成这种格式的话,那么程序的"输入程序段"和"排序程序段"需要重写. 我只改了输出而已,这个好实现 代码已发到楼主你的邮箱了 该做的注释的我都做了,有些没有注释是因为前面已经有了 有些...
高分悬赏:MOV AX 1000H是什么意思?
MOV AX, 1000H和MOV DX, 1000H都是立即寻址方式,即1000H是一个具体的数字,就是把1000H这个数赋给AX或者DX。立即寻址指令提供的操作数直接包含在指令中,它紧跟在操作码的后面,与操作码一起放在代码段区域中,操作数是8位或16位,若是16位,则存储时低位在前,高位在后。
采纳率:64% 擅长: 汇编语言 其他编程语言 编程语言 工程技术科学 嵌入式 其他回答 俩问题是一个意思,不能确定内存单元长度时,就必须用X ptr说明。 对于8086来说,指令中有寄存器或pop、push指令。1、指令中有寄存器,就可确定内存单元长度或操作数尺寸,如:mov ax,1mov bx,ds:[0]等,操作数为2字节,字单元(...
原程序:ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 000BH LJMP INTT0 ORG 0100H MAIN:MOV TMOD, #01H MOV TH0, #0ECH ;定时5000us MOV TL0, #78H SETB ET0 SETB EA MOV R7, #0AH SETB TR0 SETB P1.7 SJMP $ ;等待中断 ORG 0200H INTT0:MOV TH0,...
主要课程:电路原理、模拟电子技术、数字逻辑、数字分析、计算机原理、微型计算机技术、计算机系统结构、计算机网络、高级语言、汇编语言、数据结构、操作系统等。 主要实践性教学环节:包括电子工艺实习、硬件部件设计及调试、计算机基础训练、课程设计、计算机工程实践、生产实习、毕业设计(论文)。 修业年限:四年 授予学...