
这个视频网站是优酷 求这个视频的背景音乐叫什么??????

Sum 41 - No Reason

All of us beleive
That this is not up to you
The fact of the matter is
That it's up to me

Hey, Hey, Hey
Hey, Hey, Hey
Let's Go

How can we fake this anymore
To turn our backs away, and chose to just ignore
(Some say)Some say it's ignorance
It makes 'em feel some innocent
It takes away a part of me
That I won't let go of

Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
When we all fall down, it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can't change
When we all fall down, who will take the blame
Will it take

Nothing could ever be this real
A life unsatisfied, that I could never feel
(Some Say)This future's not so bright
Some can't make the sacrifice
It's much more than just black and white
And I won't follow

Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
When we all fall down, it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can't change
When we all fall down, who will take the blame
Will it take

Times like these I've come to see how,
Everything but time is running out

Hey, Hey, Hey
Hey, Hey, Hey

All of us beleive
In what we need
What we have's what we don't see

Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
When we all fall down, it will be too late
Why is there no reason we can't change
When we all fall down, who will take the blame
Will it take

Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
(so how long, has this gone, i don't see this ending)
When we all fall down, it will be too late
(it's too late, we can't change, what has now begun)
Why is there no reason we can't change
(we have time, it's not right, why are we pretending)
When we all fall down, who will take the blame
(we fit along, for so long)
Will it take

第1个回答  2007-11-16

跑跑卡丁车教学视频之实战技巧 里面第二首歌曲叫什么名字
翻译过来就是 金色天空

第一个是 HOT的 《我们是未来》真没想到还有白饭,小感动一下 第二个就不知道了

歌曲:MAYBE TONITE 歌手:NORMA SHEFFIELD 来源:《头文字D歌曲合集》原声大碟-2 歌词:Everytime you let me down I realise how much I care Baby recall All the time you leave my heart I feel lonely night and day Want to belong To your little paradise And be your lucky angel,darling ...

Forever Young (ryan 熊猫车g3城镇高速视频背景音乐)The Kinslayer (Ryan 爆裂R4工地视频背景音乐)beyond the game (跑跑MTV棉花糖SR纪念视频视频背景音乐) WCG主题曲 花火 劲舞团 (A丶cuTe丨MH冰山滑雪场背景音乐)花火 劲舞团 (A丶cuTe丨MH冰山滑雪场背景音乐)Around The World (ADO灬小风-森林发卡...

歌曲名称:天籁卡丁车-HF-Burning Up For You 提供:KimJianming 歌曲地址:http:\/\/v.nn.cn\/Video1\/lonlymusic\/2006113131423_6110_3907369.wma 歌曲名称:天籁卡丁车-max power 提供:KimJianming 歌曲地址:http:\/\/v.nn.cn\/Video1\/lonlymusic\/2006111183547_131_7928365.wma 歌曲名称:天籁卡丁车-Dance Around The ...

大概是 太空蜿蜒(贝奥行星)的歌曲 Temptation 吧 但是比较难找

歌名:Burning Up For You (头文字D插曲)歌手:Sara 试听地址:http:\/\/www.51t.com\/ting\/cae4d71f\/88b14621\/ 呵呵,好熟悉的歌曲,一年前玩跑跑经常听的一首歌曲,现在落伍了^_^

(日语&韩语欧美歌曲 系列)http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/304991498\/blog\/item\/483d9e22586f4df1d7cae2b7.html 跑跑卡丁车 值得收藏的N首跑跑经典视频背景音乐~!!!(头文字d系列)http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/304991498\/blog\/item\/0fa57dcb2401b31dbe09e6dd.html 如果你想下载到自己的电脑中 下载节目的时候.请观看原版....

歌曲名字是Peerless(无与伦比)歌手是Darin Zanyar(达人·赞亚) 瑞典歌手 doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌手 why not president, be a dreamer 为何不是总统,做个梦想家 you can be just the one you wanna be 你想做谁就做谁 police man, fire fighter or a post...

音乐:Agony( )演唱:KOTOKO 来源:神无月巫女的ED 视频1:韩服-棉花糖SR-森林发夹-2分30秒90 视频2:CUC梅川酷子教学(四)视频3:傍晚工地2分25秒98 音乐:Being( )演唱:KOTOKO 来源:(TV动画)『灼眼のシャナ』灼眼的夏娜 OP2 视频:Mystic城镇高速(SR)1:51:55 回放 音乐:BRAVE PHOENIX( )...
