
Suddenly I realized I was so lost in thought I’d missed the road leading to the school and was headed back toward town. How could I have done such a thing? I turned into a side street and found myself stopping in front of a Victorian house. The big bay window was filled with twinkling lights. On display was a shiny red and black electric guitar. This was a music store! And the guitar was the very one Shawn wanted. A middle-aged woman welcomed me as I entered. “Anything in particular?” she said. Somehow I couldn’t help myself. She was a complete stranger, but I opened my heart and told her what I was going through. “Christmas would really be Christmas,” I said, “if I could buy that guitar in the window for my son.” I offered her five dollars as a deposit and promised to pay in full with my tax refund after the new year.

突然我意识到,我一直都陷入沉思,竟然走错了去学校的路,而且在返城的路上。怎么会发生这种事?我转到了街边,发现自己站在一幢维多利亚式的建筑物前。那扇窗户闪闪发光,橱窗里展示着一把闪闪发亮的红黑相间的电吉它。原来这是一件乐器行!而吉它正是绍恩一直想要的乐器。我进了门,一位中年妇女迎了上来:“有什么看中的吗?”她问道。不知怎么回事,我无法控制自己的心情。她对于我来说完全是一个陌生人,但我却敞开了心扉,告诉了她我遭遇的一切. 我说:“如果我能给我的孩子买那把橱窗里摆的吉它的话,这个圣诞就真的是一个幸福的圣诞节了.”我付了五美元做押金,并许诺新年后我会将剩下的欠款付完.