
在星期四的晚上,妈妈买回来了一大袋面粉,我问妈妈这要干什么,她说要做包子给我们吃,我一听,高兴极了.心想:”那我晚上不吃饭,等妈妈的包子做好了再吃.”1个小时过去了,2个小时过去了,3个小时过去了... ...我肚子已经饿得受不了了,刚好,妈妈正把热腾腾的包子端上来时,我狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,吃着香喷喷的包子,我感觉到乞丐没饭吃的感受,我现在要好好读书,长大后帮助那些有困难的人.

On Thursday night, my mother bought back Yitai Dai flour, I asked my mother to do this, she said to be steamed stuffed buns for us to eat, I am one, a very happy. Thought: "That evening I do not eat, such as her mother's steamed stuffed buns made eat." One hour later, two hours later, three hours later. . . . . . I can not stand the stomach has been Ede, exactly, her mother is the hot steamed stuffed buns Duanshang Lai, I Langtunhuyan to eat together, eating the aromatic steamed stuffed buns, I feel that the feelings of beggars not eat, I would now like to make good reading, When they grow up to help those who have difficulties.