英文翻译!!中译英, 急求高手帮忙!!!(4)

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the shoot, Schwartzman took his lighting cues from the locations. He often
created simples, blod effects with single large sources, or used the sun as a
backlight on day exteriors. He shot interiors at a T2.8/T4 split, and most day
exteriors at a T5.6/T8 split. He usually avoided sources that were not sure to
period, but the made an exception when lighting the stables. “ I normally use
carbon-arc light for day exteriors, but there was a concern about fire danger
with the barns and straw,” he says. “So we ended up using HMIs, strictly forsafety.”

在整个拍摄过程中,Schwartzman因地制宜地使用光源。他经常利用单个的大型光源来制造简单而富有想象力的效果,抑或在白天室外拍摄时用太阳作为背光。他在室内用T2.8/T4 split拍摄,在室外的日景大多用T5.6/T8 split拍摄。他总会避免使用在拍摄时期内不能保证稳定性的光源,但给马厩打光是个例外。“我一般在白天室外使用carbon-arc灯,但是对于马厩和干草来说,会有火灾隐患,”他说,“所以我们最后用了HMI,这纯粹是出于安全考虑。”
第1个回答  2012-11-29
  拍摄全程,斯瓦辛格团队的人在外景地受到他的照明方面的建议。斯瓦辛格经常用单一的大型光源营造出朴实简单并且血腥的效果,或者在白天外景时以太阳为背光。他以T2.8/T4 split拍摄内景,而大多数的白天外景用T5.6/T8 split。通常他会避免使用时长不确定的光源,但是在拍马棚时破例了。他说:“正常情况下拍白天外景时我使用碳弧灯,但是在有谷仓和稻草的时候会担心有起火的危险,因此我们最终还是使用HMIs,安全问题无小事,必须严格。