

3.3 importance of non-verbal communication capability training
Non-verbal communication is also an important means of communication, referring to a specific scene in the Context of the use or non-verbal conduct information exchange and understanding of the process, they are not really the language units, but in life and sometimes able to express in Communication Language more strongly than the meaning of certain non-verbal behavior often represents the specific meaning in cross-cultural communication must attention. Cultural context of the non-linguistic and cultural connotation of a very large difference. For example, Chinese people believe in "silence is golden", in the silence that are rich in information, or even "silent-time audio," the English-speaking countries and the people are quite uncomfortable. When talking to Westerners, the listener will normally be a long time watching each other's eyes, to show the serious listener and the speaker of respect, but in China people are concerned, this is a bad manners, because the Chinese do not accustomed to Stare at each other a long time to do their own.
3.4 guide the students to extensive contacts with Western culture materials
At the university, the teaching of English class is very limited, but in after-school students have sufficient disposable time and therefore can not rely solely on teachers in the classroom teaching to develop cross-cultural communication ability, teachers must guide the students to use extra-curricular time reading western English Literature, newspapers, magazines, and comment on current affairs and other materials, from which lessons and cultural knowledge, to increase culture and Western culture to broaden horizons and improve cross-cultural communication ability. In addition, foreign instructors in schools should also give full play to foreign instructors in the spread of Western culture, they are living culture teaching materials to enable students to directly exchange with foreign instructors, listening to foreign instructors do reports or lectures, Yanzhuanshenjiao students will serve as a subtle influence Role.

[1]-fruit, Merlin, cultural differences and the ability to cross-cultural communication training. "Chongqing University Journal" (Social Science), 2002 vol. 8 No. 6 ,121-123
[2] Gujiang Wo, East and West compared to you and small. "Journal of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute", 2001 Volume 22 No. 4 ,279-282
[3], thick-kun, cross-cultural context of the college English teaching. "Heilongjiang Higher Education Research", in 2003 the first 6 ,153-154
[4] Wu Feng-pin, Chinese and Western cultural practices, "the conflict." "Journal of Suihua Teachers College," 2003 No. 1, 90-92
[5] Cheng Xiaoli, cross-cultural communication in English teaching thinking. "Anhui Agricultural University Journal" (Social Sciences), 2003 No. 5 ,105-107
第1个回答  2008-05-20
3.3 importance of non-verbal communication capability training
Non-verbal communication is also an important means of communication, referring to a specific scene in the Context of the use or non-verbal conduct information exchange and understanding of the process, they are not really the language units, but in life and sometimes able to express in Communication Language more strongly than the meaning of certain non-verbal behavior often represents the specific meaning in cross-cultural communication must attention. Cultural context of the non-linguistic and cultural connotation of a very large difference. For example, Chinese people believe in "silence is golden", in the silence that are rich in information, or even "silent-time audio," the English-speaking countries and the people are quite uncomfortable. When talking to Westerners, the listener will normally be a long time watching each other's eyes, to show the serious listener and the speaker of respect, but in China people are concerned, this is a bad manners, because the Chinese do not accustomed to Stare at each other a long time to do their own.
3.4 guide the students to extensive contacts with Western culture materials
At the university, the teaching of English class is very limited, but in after-school students have sufficient disposable time and therefore can not rely solely on teachers in the classroom teaching to develop cross-cultural communication ability, teachers must guide the students to use extra-curricular time reading western English Literature, newspapers, magazines, and comment on current affairs and other materials, from which lessons and cultural knowledge, to increase culture and Western culture to broaden horizons and improve cross-cultural communication ability. In addition, foreign instructors in schools should also give full play to foreign instructors in the spread of Western culture, they are living culture teaching materials to enable students to directly exchange with foreign instructors, listening to foreign instructors do reports or lectures, Yanzhuanshenjiao students will serve as a subtle influence Role.

[1]-fruit, Merlin, cultural differences and the ability to cross-cultural communication training. "Chongqing University Journal" (Social Science), 2002 vol. 8 No. 6 ,121-123
[2] Gujiang Wo, East and West compared to you and small. "Journal of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute", 2001 Volume 22 No. 4 ,279-282
[3], thick-kun, cross-cultural context of the college English teaching. "Heilongjiang Higher Education Research", in 2003 the first 6 ,153-154
[4] Wu Feng-pin, Chinese and Western cultural practices, "the conflict." "Journal of Suihua Teachers College," 2003 No. 1, 90-92
[5] Cheng Xiaoli, cross-cultural communication in English teaching thinking. "Anhui Agricultural University Journal" (Social Sciences), 2003 No. 5 ,105-107
第2个回答  2008-05-20
2. The phenomenon of conflicts caused by cultural reasons Inquiry
The conflict of East and West in a variety of reasons, the study of its fundamental, it is because the two sides have different Chinese and Western cultures, different historical backgrounds, will inevitably bring about people's thinking, behavior, and many other differences and even conflicts, we have to Below What are the specific look at the main reason.
2.1 mode of thinking there are differences
Culture to the outside things affect people's views and understanding of different countries, different cultures, in the thinking pattern of inevitable differences, in this point between East and West was particularly obvious. Western culture-oriented mode of thinking and logical analysis, and the oriental culture mode of thinking show intuitive integrity, which is also China's traditional culture features of thinking. Because of this the impact of traditional culture, Chinese people are often special attention to intuition, pay attention to the process of understanding the experience and feeling, often in association with such experience and feeling, "to have Ren." And the mode of thinking compared to Westerners, Chinese people's way of thinking is obvious that the general and ambiguous, the course of time, will form a fixed pattern of thinking, can be interpreted as recognition of the outside things and simplify the classification process of perception. In essence, fixed pattern of thinking is often neglected the individual differences of things, exaggerated and the other a social group-related cognitive approach, often with emotional and with a fixed creed. In all of the set, some set is correct, while others are wrong and will have a direct impact on cross-cultural communication, resulting in communication failures.
2.2 of the code of conduct is not the same
A code of conduct for the specific meaning that is commonly accepted by the community's moral standards and codes of conduct, simple, it is to tell people what to do and not do the norm. People from different cultural backgrounds in communication, often of a phenomenon that is the host community to apply their own code of conduct to determine the reasonableness of the other acts, as the code of conduct for both sides there are differences, often misleading, offensive or even worse results. For example, the Chinese people pat his head that a child friendly, and in Western countries, this is a great lack of respect for the children, parents are very angry. So in a cross-cultural communication is able to correctly identify and apply a code of conduct is to ensure the smooth progress of cross-cultural communication of important factors. To ensure the smooth cross-cultural communication, we must understand each other's code of conduct, in particular, what conduct is prohibited, the best way is to follow the principle of do as the Romans do.
2.3 different values
People's interpersonal skills in the process of social product of an inevitable and values together. Every culture has its own unique system of values, this system can help people distinguish between Meiyu Chou, good and evil, this is the people's Life philosophy, ethical standards and code of conduct. But it can not be divorced from specific cultural existence, every culture is different from the standard of judgement, such a culture that is good, another culture may think that bad, but they are in their own cultural system has its existence Is reasonable, should not be interpreted as a standard advanced and the other values behind. To Chinese and Western cultures as an example, in Chinese culture, people respected that modest ceremony, the pursuit of Suiyueran, and do not like Zhengjianghaosheng, while the social atmosphere is often blocked too prominent individuals, are so-called "line above all, the people will not." In Chinese culture, the collective orientation of the dominant position, the pursuit of personal development was seen as a serious individualism, will be condemned. And advocating Western culture is very individualistic, "Suiyueran" be seen as a lack of entrepreneurial spirit of the performance, are lazy, incompetent synonymous, for society and individuals are not admitted. Who based their thinking is rooted in the hearts of the people advocating independent thinking and independent judgement, relying on its own ability to achieve personal interests, and that personal interests supreme.