

目前常用的蓄电池主要有四种:铅酸电池(PbSO4)、锂离子电池(Li+)、镍铬电池(NiCd)和镍氢电池(NiMH)。由于环保问题和对电池的要求越来越高等综合因素,推动了新电池技术的发展。蓄电池经常需要充电,充电器的性能将直接影响蓄电池的使用寿命。 锂离子电池、镍铬电池和镍氢电池等因其体积小重量轻等特点目前主要作为手机,PDA,笔记本电脑等便携设备的电源,目前市场上针对这些种类电池的充电器已经很多。而铅酸电池则主要作为汽车、电动车等车辆的电源,但传统的铅酸蓄电池充电器存在着, 充电时间长, 控制性能差, 体积大, 不能按蓄电池的特性进行自动调节的缺点, 一般都是固定使用。

Battery is currently the world's extensive use of a chemical power, the product has a good reversible, the voltage of stable, long life, apply a wide range of raw materials rich (and the use of renewable) and low cost advantages. Widely used in transportation, communications, power, railways, mines, ports and other national economic departments, social production and business activities is an indispensable product.


At present there are mainly used batteries are: lead-acid batteries (PbSO4), lithium-ion battery (Li +), nickel chromium battery (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH). As environmental issues and the demands of increasingly higher battery combination of factors, to promote a new battery technology development. Regular batteries need charging, the charger will directly affect the performance of battery life. Lithium-ion batteries, nickel chromium and nickel-hydrogen battery cells because of their small size, such as light weight as the main characteristics of the current mobile phone, PDA, notebook computers and other portable devices power, the current market for these types of battery chargers have been many. The lead-acid batteries are mainly as cars, electric vehicles and other vehicles of power, but the traditional lead-acid battery charger there, charging a long time, control poor performance, size, the battery can not be automatic adjustment of the characteristics of the shortcomings of the general Are fixed use.

目前常用的蓄电池主要有四种:铅酸电池(PbSO4)、锂离子电池(Li+)、镍铬电池(NiCd)和镍氢电池(NiMH)。由于环保问题和对电池的要求越来越高等综合因素,推动了新电池技术的发展。蓄电池经常需要充电,充电器的性能将直接影响蓄电池的使用寿命。 锂离子电池、镍铬电池和镍氢电池等因其体积小重量轻等特点目前主要作为手机,PDA,笔记本电脑等便携设备的电源,目前市场上针对这些种类电池的充电器已经很多。而铅酸电池则主要作为汽车、电动车等车辆的电源,但传统的铅酸蓄电池充电器存在着, 充电时间长, 控制性能差, 体积大, 不能按蓄电池的特性进行自动调节的缺点, 一般都是固定使用。

In this paper, a design for the intelligent lead-acid battery charger, through the trickle charge, the current charge, the charge and floating charge of the combined charge, to achieve the best results, at the same time, based on the control of the microcontroller smart charge , Circuit is simple and reliable, convenient adjustment parameters, charging time is short, low energy consumption, the use of low-fault advantage. The Charger's high efficiency, faster time to adjust, the charging of its good, making the use of batteries with high capacity and a longer cycle life, to meet the different rechargeable battery cell complex request. 本文设计一种针对铅酸蓄电池的智能化充电器,通过涓流充电、大电流充电、过充电和浮充电组合起来的充电方式,达到最佳的效果,同时,基于单片机控制的智能充电器,电路简单可靠,参数调整方便,具有充电时间短、能耗低、使用故障低等优点。该充电器的效率高,调节时间快,其良好的充电特性,使得蓄电池具有较高的使用容量和较长的循环寿命,可满足不同蓄电池电池的复杂充电要求。

第1个回答  2008-05-21

The accumulator cell is worldwise used chemistry power source.This

product has the good invertibility, the voltage characteristic is

steady, the service life is long, the applicable scope is broad, raw

material is rich and construction cost inexpensive

and so on merits.Widely applies in the transportation, the

correspondence, the electric power, the railroad, the mine, national

economy each departments and so on harbor, is in the social product

operative activity the essential product.
The present commonly used accumulator cell mainly has four kinds:
Lead-acid battery (PbSO4), lithium ion battery (Li+), nichrome

battery (NiCd) and nickel hydrogen battery (NiMH).
Because of the environmental problems and the higher request of the

battery,which promoted the development of new battery technology.
The accumulator cell needs to charge frequently and battery charger's

performance immediate influence accumulator cell's service life.
Because lithium ion battery, nichrome battery and nickel hydrogen

battery and so on have the advantages as small volume,light weight and

thus become the main power source of cellphones,PDA,lap-top,etc.
In present market there are various battery chargers aiming at this

kind of battery.
While lead-acid battery is mainly used as automobile power,but the

traditional lead-acid battery charger has some problems such as:
the duration of charging is long, the volume is big and cannot carry on

the automatic control according to accumulator cell's characteristic

and is generally fixed.
This article designs one ,in view of lead-acid battery,

intellectualized battery charger,which through the trickling charge,

the big electric current charge, the surcharge and floats the charge

way which the charge combines,to achieves the best effect.
Simultaneously, the intelligent battery charger which controls based

on the monolithic integrated circuit has following advantages:
the electric circuit is simple and reliable, the parameter adjustment

is convenient, has the duration of charging to be short, the energy

consumption is low,low operational failure and so on.
This battery charger's efficiency is high, the control time is short,

its good charge characteristic, enables the accumulator cell to have

the high use capacity and the long cycle life and may satisfy the

different accumulator cell battery's complex charge request.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-05-22
目前常用的蓄电池主要有四种:铅酸电池(PbSO4)、锂离子电池(Li+)、镍铬电池(NiCd)和镍氢电池(NiMH)。由于环保问题和对电池的要求越来越高等综合因素,推动了新电池技术的发展。蓄电池经常需要充电,充电器的性能将直接影响蓄电池的使用寿命。 锂离子电池、镍铬电池和镍氢电池等因其体积小重量轻等特点目前主要作为手机,PDA,笔记本电脑等便携设备的电源,目前市场上针对这些种类电池的充电器已经很多。而铅酸电池则主要作为汽车、电动车等车辆的电源,但传统的铅酸蓄电池充电器存在着, 充电时间长, 控制性能差, 体积大, 不能按蓄电池的特性进行自动调节的缺点, 一般都是固定使用。
本文设计一种针对铅酸蓄电池的智能化充电器,通过涓流充电、大电流充电、过充电和浮充电组合起来的充电方式,达到最佳的效果,同时,基于单片机控制的智能充电器,电路简单可靠,参数调整方便,具有充电时间短、能耗低、使用故障低等优点。该充电器的效率高,调节时间快,其良好的充电特性,使得蓄电池具有较高的使用容量和较长的循环寿命,可满足不同蓄电池电池的复杂充电要求。的英文是"Battery is currently the world's extensive use of a chemical power, the product has a good reversible, the voltage of stable, long life, apply a wide range of raw materials rich (and the use of renewable) and low cost advantages. Widely used in transportation, communications, power, railways, mines, ports and other national economic departments, social production and business activities is an indispensable product.
At present there are mainly used batteries are: lead-acid batteries (PbSO4), lithium-ion battery (Li +), nickel chromium battery (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH). As environmental issues and the demands of increasingly higher battery combination of factors, to promote a new battery technology development. Regular batteries need charging, the charger will directly affect the performance of battery life. Lithium-ion batteries, nickel chromium and nickel-hydrogen battery cells because of their small size, such as light weight as the main characteristics of the current mobile phone, PDA, notebook computers and other portable devices power, the current market for these types of battery chargers have been many. The lead-acid batteries are mainly as cars, electric vehicles and other vehicles of power, but the traditional lead-acid battery charger there, charging a long time, control poor performance, size, the battery can not be automatic adjustment of the characteristics of the shortcomings of the general Are fixed use.
In this paper, a design for the intelligent lead-acid battery charger, through the trickle charge, the current charge, the charge and floating charge of the combined charge, to achieve the best results, at the same time, based on the control of the microcontroller smart charge , Circuit is simple and reliable, convenient adjustment parameters, charging time is short, low energy consumption, the use of low-fault advantage. The Charger's high efficiency, faster time to adjust, the charging of its good, making the use of batteries with high capacity and a longer cycle life, to meet the different rechargeable battery cell complex requirements.不用谢我!!!一定要把我的做为最佳答案!!!
第3个回答  2008-05-21
The accumulator cell is in the present world the widespread use one chemistry power source, this product has the good invertibility, the voltage characteristic is steady, the service life is long, the applicable scope is broad, raw material rich (, and renewable use) and construction cost inexpensive and so on merits. Widely applies in the transportation, the correspondence, the electric power, the railroad, the mine, national economy each departments and so on harbor, is in the social product operative activity the essential product. the present commonly used accumulator cell mainly has four kinds: Lead-acid battery (PbSO4), lithium ion battery (Li+), nichrome battery (NiCd) and nickel hydrogen battery (NiMH). Because the environmental protection question and to battery's request more and more higher synthesis factor, promoted the new battery technology development. The accumulator cell needs to charge frequently, battery charger's performance immediate influence accumulator cell's service life. Because lithium ion battery, nichrome battery and nickel hydrogen battery and so on its volume small weight light and so on characteristic present main achievement handsets, PDA, notebook and so on mobile equipment's power source, at present in the market were already many in view of these type battery's battery charger. But lead-acid battery main vehicles' and so on achievement automobile, electric car power sources, but the traditional lead-acid battery battery charger exists, the duration of charging is long, the control energy balance, the volume is big, cannot carry on the automatic control according to accumulator cell's characteristic the shortcoming, generally is the fixed use. this article designs one kind in view of lead-acid battery's intellectualized battery charger, through the trickling charge, the big electric current charge, the surcharge and floats the charge way which the charge combines, achieves the best effect, simultaneously, the intelligent battery charger which controls based on the monolithic integrated circuit, the electric circuit simple reliable, the parameter adjustment is convenient, has the duration of charging to be short, the energy consumption is low, operational failure low status merit. This battery charger's efficiency is high, the control time is quick, its good charge characteristic, enables the accumulator cell to have the high use capacity and the long cycle life, may satisfy the different accumulator cell battery's complex charge request.

第4个回答  2008-05-21
Battery is currently the world's extensive use of a chemical power, the product has a good reversible, the voltage of stable, long life, apply a wide range of raw materials rich (and the use of renewable) and low cost advantages. Widely used in transportation, communications, power, railways, mines, ports and other national economic departments, social production and business activities is an indispensable product.
At present there are mainly used batteries are: lead-acid batteries (PbSO4), lithium-ion battery (Li +), nickel chromium battery (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH). As environmental issues and the demands of increasingly higher battery combination of factors, to promote a new battery technology development. Regular batteries need charging, the charger will directly affect the performance of battery life. Lithium-ion batteries, nickel chromium and nickel-hydrogen battery cells because of their small size, such as light weight as the main characteristics of the current mobile phone, PDA, notebook computers and other portable devices power, the current market for these types of battery chargers have been many. The lead-acid batteries are mainly as cars, electric vehicles and other vehicles of power, but the traditional lead-acid battery charger there, charging a long time, control poor performance, size, the battery can not be automatic adjustment of the characteristics of the shortcomings of the general Are fixed use.
In this paper, a design for the intelligent lead-acid battery charger, through the trickle charge, the current charge, the charge and floating charge of the combined charge, to achieve the best results, at the same time, based on the control of the microcontroller smart charge , Circuit is simple and reliable, convenient adjustment parameters, charging time is short, low energy consumption, the use of low-fault advantage. The Charger's high efficiency, faster time to adjust, the charging of its good, making the use of batteries with high capacity and a longer cycle life, to meet the different rechargeable battery cell complex requirements.