运行“game.dsw”文件,完成链接和所有添加过程。直接运行出现相应的窗口根据相应的提示点击窗口“Control Panel”的四个方向键,观察机器人的移动,做出相应的下一步动作。
1. 发现一个问题,把各个子程序写出来不是难事,困难的是完成项目的控制的文件,把所有的子程序连接在一起。
2. 第二个问题是写出程序不是什么大问题,问题的关键是完成链接,使程序能够正确运行,即改正所有写程序是出现的错误。
3. 第三个不是什么问题,但对写程序有一定影响,就是刚开始不能急着写程序,关键是把握程序的整体架构,考虑怎么样才能是程序更为简单化、实用化。以及更为美观,这里的美观不仅仅是程序做出来的界面好看,更为重要的是写的程序源代码要简洁明了,让别人更容易看懂,(一个最简单的也是最常见的就是头文件定义时要吧所有定义的对象对其,这或许在目前我们写的小程序短代码中不能充分体现出其价值所在,但将来不管是在代码的重用(就是简单的对其复制)还是代码进行改错,都更为直观的让人接受。)因为我们写代码不仅仅是给自己看的,是拿给老板看的,或者你以后不从事这个项目的开发,转手交给别人继续的话,那么让别人更容易看懂也是很重要的。这个时候我们不需要去考验别人的所谓“C++基本技术”,没那必要啊,能做干嘛不简简单单地做好呢?这点纯属个人意见,不一定符合大众需求。
4. 第四点就更加没那么重要的,也是朋友教我的,但确实有课借鉴之处:就是如果可能的话,最好把有关C++的插件安上,安装的主要目的当然是编程序是更为方便,可以给你很多提示;就算你现在用不着,安装这些插件还能给你更好的视觉效果,有些插件会使你的各种不同的对象定义颜色不一样,如果有必要需要寻找一些对象是更容易找到,有事一些简单的语法错误安装的插件都会给你用不同的颜色标注出来的,修改的时候也很方便。
1. 确实是太讨厌那个类图表示了,反正太麻烦了。不过确实看上去比框图和程序模块表示好理解多了,也好看多了。
2. 个人认为还可以再加一个板块,就是在最后加一个“错误报告以及错误总结还有是怎么样解决的”,这样或许下一次会尽量避免同样的错误(尤其是一些基本错误)。
8、在英国有牵头包销者(lead underwriter),通常为投资银行来帮助安排股票发行事宜。8, the lead underwriter in the United Kingdom (lead underwriter). usually stock issue arranged for investment banks to help matters. 但在实施过程中,牵头包销者会充分重视分包销商(sub-unerwriters)以及机构投资者的作用。But...
In information age's today, the computer participation enterprise day-to-day business management has become the enterprise modernization the urgent matter. the information communication platform is the typical information management system, its development including backstage database establishment,...
When I first got to the new place, I went to a private school called xxx. To be honest, it really sucked. We only had one class in each grade, and the whole school only had grade five and six, and that was it! we didn't even have a playground(the school now has b...
先要说一下啊,你的第三句的开头I'd have trouble getting back to sleep,应该是第二句话的结尾,可能排版的时候错了,我改过来了。1、There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon.任何外科病人我都能治,我和其他的外...
5. He said he likes to do after retirement will be able to concentrate on the officers.6. Monthly must elapse enough money, you can buy this semester textbook.7. It was right there in front of the next football season, we will certainly be a better team this time.8. Need...
It doesn't matter much what he takes in high school as long as he can achieve the best grade possible,really, and be sure to include one of the level 3 literature subject such as english,history,art history(and maybe geography,I'm not too sure about that one)and one ...
还有什么我可以帮忙的吗? 2、如果你认识对方家人不太熟悉的话,不妨加上这样的问候: Say hello to your folks。 请代向你家人问安。(这样会增进彼此的情谊。) 3、如果你答应给别人传话,可以说: Then I'll make sure he gets your message。 我一定会转达您的话。 4、如果接待的是你的客户,也可以使用一些...
1, compared to other dangers, the chance of human suffering shark attack is very small.2, parents may be invited to participate in this year's New Year party.3, the latter two attacks on humans may be more deadly.4, the ball in the principal's head.5, you should avoid ...
2,Tony emphasised that we should creat opportunity instead waiting when talking about the amazing progress he gained.3,He hopes he can get two addresses of two poor country kids who are eagered to study from HOPE PROJECT before retiring and he can provide money regularly 4,A wide...
I very like securities in this industry, oneself also fry for years, and also opened futures account. The future is trend of the third industry, service such as financial investment, consumption so is advocate dozen. I seriously, the concept of time is very strong, can live in ...