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(你给的多是片段,没有上下文。只好直译ㄟ( ̄. ̄ㄏ)1.But she also knew that,despite all the ways she had worn it and the reasons she had enjoyed it,in the end it was hair.但是她也知道,除了佩戴的方式多样和其他优点外,最本质的还是头发。2.The majority of the new cars that...
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face 当我看见你的脸,感觉好像昨天 You told me how proud you were, but I walked away 你告诉我你有多为我骄傲,可是我却离开了 If only I knew what I know today Ooh, ooh 如果当时我知道今天的一切 I would hold you in my arms 我会...
and in which enterprises'development strategies and management patterns have been faced with a great challenge they have never seen. It's really a big problem for enterprises involved to apply the electronic
I was still learning to cope with the all-too-familiar pain of my father's recent death—an event with which I had not yet come to terms1.十八岁那年,我告别纽约市布鲁克林区的家,来到英格兰约克郡的利兹大学攻读历史.那是我生命中一段既兴奋又抑郁的时光,因为我一面要适应并不熟悉的周...
我们已经太习惯于生活在一个个人主义的社会里,因而有必要提醒大家,人类社会更为普遍的生活方式是集体主义。we have already too used to living in a society which full of individualist,thus it is necessary to remind everybody,the most universal life style of human society is collectivism....
the development to be slow, intensified the transportation to support stops up the degree.新华西道是唐山市主干道之一(东起市中心,西至火车站),道路繁忙、拥堵较严重,可看成目前整个唐山市区交通问题的一个集中缩影。本文选择对新华西道部分路段(学院路至大里路)交通参数展开调查分析,主要包括...
Mungana Goldmines !ˉs实质性的黄金资产投入生产。把报价,Mungana Goldmines将寻求指定进一步独立非执行 董事。拥有学士学位·特雷西先生在地质和应用科学超过30年的经验 作为地质学家,专门从事黄金、和贱金属工业矿产勘查,发展和采矿。他是一名澳大利亚研究院的采矿和冶金 学院和澳大利亚的一个焦点。先生...
楼主。我希望你把分给我。我帮你翻译。因为我是杰克逊的超级歌迷。Michael Jackson in 1992 set up a "Save the World" ( "cure the world") Foundation."Save the World" Foundation and the National Football League, Frito Lay, an international youth Foundation, the Hilton \/ BEST Foundation...
of Asian enterprises, as well as a link between the photovoltaic industries of Europe and Asia.[附注]我认为光伏太阳能展览会应当翻译成photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition,不知道你下面给出的是否是同一个展览会?如果是请把二者变成一致。我觉得采用我的译法不错。