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巴黎 浪漫之都


Luxembourg Gardens,M°Luxembourg
这里的石头上刻着远古的爱情故事———宙斯化身成了天鹅来接近丽达。这儿也是丝莫和让保罗(Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre)的邂逅之地。
在法国大革命之前这里有两条小径。哲学家罗素(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)经常在哲思小径上散步。而酥皮儿小径(Allee des Soupirs)则是恋人们的休恬小港。



Paris Romantic capital

I have not been there in urban this one. But its romantic place is enjoying a high reputation abroad well-knownly.
Paris, capital of France is one of ten major well-known cities in the world. Paris is France's politics, the centres of economy and culture. Today's Paris, not only France, but also the political, economic, cultural centre of western Europe, attracted attention by the world fully.

The park of Luxembourg, Subway Luxembourg Stop
Carving the ancient love story on the stone here ---Zeus incarnation become swan come, close beautiful to up to. Here with let place that meet by chance of Paul (Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre) silk either.
The fountain of period of this Renaissance has reminded us, the present parliament building of France was the Luxemburg imperial palace in the past, Henry widow horse beautiful wheat residence of children of an emperor for four generation.
There are two paths here before the French Revolution. The philosopher Luo Su (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) often takes a walk in thinking in the path wisely. Crisp cover path (Allee des Soupirs) long for to stop quiet light harbour people.

Whom the romantic capital let I out of admiration for the reputation for a long time but know very silent as to Paris. Believe that it is sure to go to have an opportunity afterwards, come into every place to reveal the romantic breath.