
下面是Mr black 下星期来中国旅行的日程表,请根据此日程表写一篇Mr Black中国之行的介绍。要求语言准确,得当,条理清晰。80——100字左右、
Monday 10:30 Fly to Baijing

Tuesday----Wwdnesday Visit the Great wall and go to Wngfujing to do some shopping

Thursday 08:40 Fly to hainnan Island

Friday—Saturday morning visit”Tianya Haijiao”and go scuba(水中呼吸器)diving in sanya

Saturday 16:50 Fly to beijing

sunday 15:20 Fly back home

Mr black will go to China for his vacation next week._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mr Black will go to China for his vacation next week. He will go to China by air. He will arrive in Beijingat 10:30 next Monday. On Tuesday, he is going to visit the Great Wall, on Wendesday, he is going to do some shopping in Wangfujing Street, he plans to buy some gifts for his fanily and friends.On Thursday, he will fly to Hainan Island, on Friday, he will visit Tianya haijiao with ten other visitors and on Saturday he will go scuba diving, he feels a little nervous.on Saturday afternoon, he will fiy back to Beijing.He will arrive in Beijing at 16:50.He will stay in Friendship Hotel. On Sunday, he will fly back home at 15:20.
We hope he will have a good time!
布莱克先生下星期要来中国旅行。星期一上午十点半他乘飞机到达北京, 星期二, 他打算参观长城, 星期三, 他将去王府井购物, 他想给家人和朋友买些礼物,星期四, 他将飞往海南岛, 星期五, 他和其他10位游客一起游览天涯海角, 星期六, 他要潜水, 他感到有点紧张。星期六的下午, 他将飞回北京, 下榻在友谊宾馆, 星期天的15:20, 他乘飞机回家, 我们希望他玩的开心!
第1个回答  2010-01-02
Mr black will go to China for his vacation next week.on Monday,the first day,he will fly to beijing at 10:30,that is the beginning of his tour of china.and from tuesday to wednesday,he will visit the great wall and go to Wangfujing to do some shopping.he thinks that must be fun.at 8:40 on thursday,he will fly to hainan island.and from friday to saturday morning,he will visit”Tianya Haijiao”and go scuba diving in sanya.it is the most fun part of his tour.and on the last day,sunday,he will fly back home at 15:20 and it is the end of his tour.
第2个回答  2020-06-13