

1. Our company decided to __ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy B. resist C. assume D. cancel

2. That boy is such a good violinist that he will probably make quite a __ for himself.
A. name B. credit C. fame D. character

3. As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became __ to the climbers.
A. visible B. obvious C. apparent D. plain

4. It's important for one to __ time for relaxation, hobbies and entertainment when studing.
A. set about B. set back C. set aside D. set down

5. A completely new situation will __ when the examination system comes into existence.
A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse

6. He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any __ about what was meant.
A. wonder B. doubt C. question D. consideration

7. At the discussion, the expert __ computer science raised questions of various kinds.
A. for B. about C. to D. in

8. We hoped to be able to get married early this month, but things didn't __ as we had expected.
A. work out B. come by C. fill up D. lay down

9. You can never depend on their trustfulness. If you fail, no one will take the __.
A. result B. end C. consequence D. outcome

10. The hopes, goals, fears and desires __ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.
A. alter B. shift C. transfer D. vary

11. Controlled exposure to the object of fear is the best key to __ a normal state of mind.
A. resume B. resuming C. resumed D. be resumed

12. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, __ something occurred which attracted my attention.
A. unless B. until C. when D. while

13. Even though they __ for twenty years, the two neighbors don't know each other very well.
A. have been lived side by side B. had been living side by side C. have been living side by side D. having been living side by side.

14. The man in the corner confessed to __ a lie to the manager of the company.
A. have told B. be told C. being told D. having told

15. __ might be expected, a knowledge of psychology is essential for good advertisement.
A. What B. That C. As D. Which

16. So badly __ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for treatment.
A. did Peter injure B. Peter injured C. Peter was injured D. was Peter injured

17. We decided against installing new heating apparatus, for the reason __ it would be too costly.
A. which B. why C. that D. for which

18. She recollecter __ Mr.Henry formerly spokenof as a very proud, ill-natured boy.
A. to hear B. hear C. having heard D. being heard

19. If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you __ now.
A. wouldn't be smiling B. couldn't have smiled C. won't smile D. didn't smile

20. Ten weeks __ not long, but ten weeks __ elapsed since we met last time.
A. is/has B. are/have C. is/have D. are/has

第1个回答  2006-09-29
14.confessed to doing sth./sth.
17.for the reason which = the reason why
第2个回答  2006-09-29
1,D 2,A 3,A 4,C 5,A 6,B 7,D 8,A 9, C 10, C
11,A 12,B 13C 14A 15C 16A 17C 18C 19A 20 C本回答被提问者采纳