




一晃,便过春节了,那家伙,鞭炮声,锣鼓声不绝于耳.各式烟花在空中盛开,顿时间,火光四射.大年三十的年夜饭可真是热闹,许多亲朋好友聚集在一起,不到一点是 不准散的.小孩子们在外面放起了烟花,大人们则热热闹闹的打起了麻将.快到十二点时,所有人都在电视前一起开始倒计时.伴随着新年的钟声响起,也烟花鞭炮也在各处开始响起.正月里,人们到处走亲访友,当然家里也会来客人,端茶倒水,偶尔还要帮忙照看一下小朋友.还是挺有趣的.


Winter holidays life summary
With the advent of the new year, gradually approaching the end of winter vacation. In this contains the Spring Festival holiday, the students are doing what? First come into my holiday life.
A semester ended in bitterness, in the winter vacation is coming, everybody is very happy and excited. Butwinter brings us not only a relaxed joy holiday life, naturally we also completed the winter vacation homeworkand teachers task, a meaningful vacation.
In a flash, then the Spring Festival, the guy, the sound of firecrackers, the sound of gongs and drums can be heard without end. All kinds of fireworks in the sky blooms, meal time, flames. On New Year's Eve thirty can be noisy, many friends and family gathered together, not to a point is not scattered. The children outside put up the fireworks adults, lively playing mahjong. Shortly before twelve am, everyone in front of the TV together to start the countdown. Along with the New Year bell rings, also fireworks also everywhere begins. Lunar January,people everywhere dear friends, of course, home also to the guests, tea, occasionally to help look after thekids. It was very interesting.
So, from the day of learning more and more near, winter vacation life bit by bit, the good times, here also the end. The next semester when can't so lazy in, the hard to read it! The good time that occurred in the winter of life, all put in my mind Li, let them become a memory! Put my winter vacation life draw a perfect full stop
第1个回答  2018-01-27