
一般来说,危机的发展可以分为四个阶段:潜伏期,爆发期,延续期,解决期。??所谓国家形象,是指一国内部公众和外部公众对该国政治、经济、社会、文化与地理等方面状况的认识与评价,可分为国内形象与国际形象,两者之间往往存在很大差异。国家形象在根本上取决于国家的综合国力,但并不能简单地等同于国家的实际状况,它在某种程度上是可以被塑造的。本文旨在探讨国际危机管理中在国际社会上塑造良好国家形象的问题,因此,本文中所指的国家形象,主要是指国家的国际形象。???要进行有效的国际危机管理,必须建立起反应迅速、协调通畅、运转高效、保障有力的组织系统。国际危机管理组织系统一般包括四个子系统:法律与行政规范系统、决策指挥中枢系统、执行与支援系统和信息管理系统。国际危机管理组织系统同样可以成为危机中国家形象塑造的执行核心,把负责国家形象塑造的专家及工作人员按职责划归国际危机管理组织系统的各个子系统中,这样不仅有利于国家形象塑造工作服从于国际危机管理,还利于两者之间的协调与配合。?在国际危机中,国家形象的塑造与危机中的决策行为、领导人形象、外交行动、媒介力量、国际合作等是分不开。?国际危机管理过程中,决策者起着关键性作用,处于危机管理的核心地位。国际危机中的国家形象塑造过程中,决策者的行为成为最吸引国际公众的焦点,决策者的形象成为国家形象塑造的核心。决策者在国际危机管理和国家形象塑造中同时具有重要的作用,这使得决策者成为国际危机管理和国家形象塑造的核心。?对于一场国际危机,从其爆发的那一刻甚至尚在潜伏期之时开始,就已处于大众传媒的“监视”之下,并贯穿始终。大众传媒是国际危机管理中的“守望者”; 大众传媒能够影响国际危机管理决策;大众传媒为国际危机管理提供了国际政治信息的传递平台;这就使得大众传媒在国际危机管理中占有重要的地位。同时,大众传媒是国际危机中国家形象塑造的关键力量,它不仅是公众获知外部世界资讯的渠道,而且是一国形象进入国际社会的重要通道,大众传媒不但是国家扩大对外影响力不可或缺的工具,更是国家形象构建的关键之所在。?国际危机发生之时,也是各国频繁展开外交活动之时。外交可以促进危机管理高层的直接交流与沟通,是协商解决国际危机的良好方式,国际危机管理与外交活动有着紧密联系。外交形象是国家形象的重要组成部分。在国际危机中,传统外交可以及时、准确地向他国决策层发布本国信息,以避免别国对本国形象的误读;公共外交能够通过其特有方式,作用于国外公众,以减轻危机影响下公众对本国产生的对抗情绪,消除隔膜,对国家形象产生积极影响。?在国际危机中开展国际合作能够增进各国之间的了解,降低危机管理的不确定性,有利于国际危机的解决。这种国际合作同时为国家形象塑造提供了良好的合作平台,它本身就包含着一种信息交流,这种信息交流有利于参与合作的各个成员了解彼此的情报、信息,消除隔阂,减少彼此间在构建对方形象时的扭曲与误解。一国在国际危机管理中参与国际合作的态度本身就是向外界显示了一种坦诚的姿态、开放的形象。???新世纪新阶段塑造中国良好国家形象有着十分重要的意义:合作与竞争的国家间关系、面对国际危机的常态化趋势,要求中国必须重视在危机中塑造良好国家形象,要利用好重要战略机遇期,中国也必须塑造一个良好的国家形象。?
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In general, the development of the crisis can be divided into four stages: incubation period, the outbreak period, extended period, settlement period. The so-called national image is defined as an internal public and external public in the country's political, economic, social, cultural and geographical knowledge of the situation and so on and evaluation of the image can be divided into domestic and international image, often between the two there is a big differences. Image of the country depends essentially on the country's comprehensive national strength, but can not simply be equated with the actual situation of the country, it can be shaped to some extent. This article aims to explore the management of international crises in the international community to create a favorable national image of the problem, therefore, in this article referred to the country's image, mainly refers to the country's international image. The need for effective international crisis management, we must establish a rapid response, coordinating smooth, operate efficiently to ensure a strong system of organizations. International crisis management organization system generally consists of four subsystems: the legal and administrative regulatory system, central nervous system of command decision-making, implementation and support systems and information management systems. International crisis management organization system can also be shaped into a crisis in the implementation of the core of the country's image to the experts responsible for shaping the country's image and staff according to international crisis management duties assigned to the various sub-organizational systems, so that will not only help shape the work of the country's image subject to international crisis management, but also conducive to coordination and cooperation between the two. At the international crisis, the country's image building, and crisis decision-making behavior, the leaders of image, to diplomatic action, media power, international cooperation are inseparable. ? International crisis management process, decision-makers play a key role in crisis management at the core position. International crises, the national image-building process, the decision makers act as the focus of the most attractive international public policy makers to shape the image of a national image of the core. Policy-makers in international crisis management and image-building in the country also has an important role, which makes policy-makers to become an international crisis management and national image-building core. For an international crisis, from the moment of the outbreak of the incubation period and even when still in the beginning, had been in the mass media's "surveillance" under, and through to the end. The mass media in international crisis management in the "Watcher"; mass media to influence the international crisis management decision-making; the mass media for the international crisis management in international political message delivery platform; This makes the mass media in international crisis management plays an important status. At the same time, the mass media is an international crisis, a key force in shaping the country's image, it is not only the public informed of the outside world channels of information, but also the image of a country into the international community, an important channel, the mass media is not only indispensable for countries to expand the influence of external tools, but also the key to building the country's image lies. ? An international crisis, a time when frequent diplomatic activities in all countries when. High-level diplomacy can promote direct exchanges of crisis management and communication of the consultation a good way to resolve international crises, the international crisis management is closely linked with the diplomatic activities. Diplomatic image is an important part of the country's image. At the international crisis, the traditional diplomacy can be timely and accurate decision-making to other countries publish their own information in order to avoid the image of other countries for their own misreading; public diplomacy through its unique way of acting on the foreign public in order to alleviate the crisis under the influence of public resulting confrontation for its own mood, to reduce barriers to a positive impact on the country's image. In international crises, international cooperation can enhance understanding among nations and reduce the uncertainty of crisis management is conducive to international crises. Such international cooperation to shape the country's image at the same time provides a good platform for cooperation, which itself contains a kind of exchange of information, such information exchanges are conducive to participation and cooperation of all members understand each other's intelligence, information, eliminating barriers to reduce the mutual build each other's image of the distortion and misunderstanding. A country in international crisis management to participate in international co-operative attitude in itself to the outside world shows a sincere attitude, open image. The new century, a good national image of China as of great significance: cooperation and competition in inter-State relations, in the face of international crises normal trend, demand that China must pay attention to in a crisis to create a good national image, to take advantage of important strategic opportunities period, China must build a good national image
第1个回答  2009-12-20
In general, the development of the crisis can be divided into four stages: incubation period, the outbreak period, extended period, settlement period. ?? The so-called national image is defined as an internal public and external public in the country's political, economic, social, cultural and geographical knowledge of the situation and so on and evaluation of the image can be divided into domestic and international image, there is often between very different. Image of the country depends essentially on the country's comprehensive national strength, but can not simply be equated with the actual situation of the country, it can be shaped to some extent. This article aims to explore the management of international crises in the international community to create a favorable national image of the problem, therefore, in this article referred to the country's image, mainly refers to the country's international image. ??? The need for effective management of international crises, we must establish a rapid response, coordinating smooth, operate efficiently to ensure a strong system of organizations. International crisis management organization system generally consists of four subsystems: the legal and administrative regulatory system, central nervous system of command decision-making, implementation and support systems and information management systems. International crisis management organization system can also be shaped into a crisis in the implementation of the core of the country's image to the experts responsible for shaping the country's image and staff according to international crisis management duties assigned to the various sub-organizational systems, so that will not only help shape the work of the country's image subject to international crisis management, but also conducive to coordination and cooperation between the two. ? In the international crisis, the country's image building, and crisis decision-making behavior, the leaders of image, to diplomatic action, media power, international cooperation are inseparable. ? International crisis management process, decision-makers play a key role in crisis management at the core position. International crises, the national image-building process, the decision makers act as the focus of the most attractive international public policy makers to shape the image of a national image of the core. Policy-makers in international crisis management and image-building in the country also has an important role, which makes policy-makers to become an international crisis management and national image-building core. ? For an international crisis, from the moment of the outbreak of the incubation period and even when still in the beginning, had been in the mass media's "surveillance" under, and through to the end. The mass media in international crisis management in the "Watcher"; mass media to influence the international crisis management decision-making; the mass media for the international crisis management in international political message delivery platform; This makes the mass media in international crisis management plays an important status. At the same time, the mass media is an international crisis, a key force in shaping the country's image, it is not only the public informed of the outside world channels of information, but also the image of a country into the international community, an important channel, the mass media is not only indispensable for countries to expand the influence of external tools, but also the key to building the country's image lies. ? An international crisis, a time when frequent diplomatic activities in all countries when. High-level diplomacy can promote direct exchanges of crisis management and communication of the consultation a good way to resolve international crises, the international crisis management is closely linked with the diplomatic activities. Diplomatic image is an important part of the country's image. At the international crisis, the traditional diplomacy can be timely and accurate decision-making to other countries publish their own information in order to avoid the image of other countries for their own misreading; public diplomacy through its unique way of acting on the foreign public本回答被提问者采纳