
[关键词] 产后抑郁;产妇;心理护理

增加一段---------------------------------------------------------------------产后抑郁患者心理状态分析及心理护理年级:2012级 专业:护理 学号:123 姓名:张三丰----------------------------------------------------------------------


第1个回答  2014-01-14
[Abstract] Postpartum depression is a group of non-psychotic depressive symptom clusters. The incidence of 5% -25% of women giving birth. Provide psychological care for maternal, infant comprehensive care to avoid adverse maternal mental stimulation, creating a safe and comfortable home environment for the mothers. This paper summarizes the psychological factors of postpartum depression and the corresponding countermeasures. Analysis of the cause, through psychological care to treat psychological factors including personality traits, mental degradation, growing experience and defensive manner; appropriate measures to strengthen primary consideration throughout the perinatal preventive health measures, and targeted for anti-depression treatment. Finally come the family, society and their own needs attention from many aspects, to provide care and health guidance continuous, dynamic system is to maintain a good state of pregnant women, the key to a smooth and healthy pregnancy through this complex event.
[Keyword] postpartum depression; maternity; psychological care



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产后抑郁患者心理状态分析及心理护理年级:2012级 专业:护理 学号:123 姓名:张三丰
Postpartum depression mental state and psychological care
Year: 2012 Major: Nursing Number: 123 Name: san feng zhang

第2个回答  2014-01-14
Postpartum depression is a group of non psychotic depressive symptoms. Incidence of delivery 5%-25%. Nursing on maternal, infant comprehensive care, to avoid adverse maternal mental stimulation, for mothers create a safe, comfortable family environment. This paper summarizes the psychological factors of patients with postpartum depression and corresponding countermeasures. Analysis of the causes, treatment with psychological nursing, psychological factors include personality, mental degeneration phenomenon, experience and defense style growth; corresponding countermeasures to strengthen the main consideration of perinatal health prevention measures, as well as antidepressant treatment targeted. Finally, the social and family itself from the aspects of attention, provide care and health guidance, continuous, dynamic system is to enable pregnant women to keep in good condition, smooth and healthy through a key to this complex event pregnancy.

The psychological state of patients with postpartum depression analysis and psychological nursing grade: 2012: professional nursing student ID: 123 Name: Zhang Sanfeng
第3个回答  2014-01-14
[Abstract] Postpartum depression is a group of non-psychotic depressive symptom clusters. The incidence rate accounts for 5% -25% of all the lying-in women. Psychological care provides lying-in women and babies with comprehensive care and avoids lying-in women from adverse spiritual stimulation, creating a safe and comfortable home environment for the lying-in women.追问


年级:2012级 专业:护理 学号:123 姓名:张三丰

第4个回答  2014-01-14
Postpartum depression is a group of non psychotic depressive symptoms. Incidence of delivery 5%-25%. Nursing on maternal, infant comprehensive care, to avoid adverse maternal mental stimulation, for mothers create a safe, comfortable family environment. This paper summarizes the psychological factors of patients with postpartum depression and corresponding countermeasures. Analysis of the causes, treatment with psychological nursing, psychological factors include personality, mental degeneration phenomenon, experience and defense style growth; corresponding countermeasures to strengthen the main consideration of perinatal health prevention measures, as well as antidepressant treatment targeted. Finally, the social and family itself from the aspects of attention, provide care and health guidance, continuous, dynamic system is to enable pregnant women to keep in good condition, smooth and healthy through a key to this complex event pregnancy.
第5个回答  2014-01-14