


Jay Chou is a man who loves challenges. He has made movies, been a director, hosted shows and been a radio DJ.

I've written, directed and acted in movies

He used to be the host of a radio show: DJ

He tried all kinds of careers, and although he couldn't be as successful as a singer, his willingness to challenge is worth learning


周杰伦(Jay Chou),1979年1月18日出生于台湾省新北市,中国台湾流行乐男歌手、音乐人、演员、导演、编剧、监制、商人。

2000年发行首张个人专辑《Jay》。2001年发行的专辑《范特西》奠定其融合中西方音乐的风格 [1]  。2002年举行“The One”世界巡回演唱会  。

2003年成为美国《时代周刊》封面人物   。

2004年获得世界音乐大奖中国区最畅销艺人奖  。

2005年凭借动作片《头文字D》获得台湾电影金马奖、香港电影金像奖最佳新人奖 。

2006年起连续三年获得世界音乐大奖中国区最畅销艺人奖   。

2007年自编自导的文艺片《不能说的秘密》获得台湾电影金马奖年度台湾杰出电影奖  。

2008年凭借歌曲《青花瓷》获得第19届金曲奖最佳作曲人奖   。

2009年入选美国CNN评出的“25位亚洲最具影响力的人物”,同年凭借专辑《魔杰座》获得第20届金曲奖最佳国语男歌手奖 。

2010年入选美国《Fast Company》评出的“全球百大创意人物” 。


2012年登福布斯中国名人榜榜首 。

2014年发行华语乐坛首张数字音乐专辑《哎呦,不错哦》  。

2018年举行“地表最强2世界巡回演唱会”  。

第1个回答  2014-04-06
Jay Chou always has a great passion for challenging himself. Apart from being the most successful pop singer&song writer these days, he also has been in the movies as actor and been some TV programs like 'Mr. J' an entertainment program as host as well as DJ of '唉哟DJ' in the radio. After being an actor for a while, he started shooting the films by himself to try his potentials as director and script writer. The movies of ' A secrete cannot tell' and ' The rooftops' were both written, directed and played by himself. Among the various professions he has been trying so far, none of them is really as impressive as his singer career. However his vigorous attitude ever towards challenges is certainly worth learning.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-04-06
JayChou is a man,who loves meeting the Challenge.He tries many different roles,such as a director,a compere and a radio announcer.The film Secret and The Rooftop were
directed and acted by himself.He was one of the hosts in Mr. J Channel.And he did well as a radio announcer——IOU DJ.He tries various professions.Although he does not do successfully as a singer,we have to learn something benefit from him,which can be positive and brave.
第3个回答  2014-04-06
Jay Chou
Jay Chou is a love a challenge, he made a film, as a director. Hosted programs, as a radio DJ
Self - directed movie secret can not be said, Tiantai love
He was Abbot had Entertainment: Mr.J channel. Once the radio show host: Oh DJ
He tried various occupation, although not as successful when the singer, but he this challenging spirit is worth learning
第4个回答  2011-03-19
英文:Jay, in January 1979 18, sound, is China's Taiwan mandarin pop singer, famous musicians, music creators, composer, lyrics and music producer, jewell, one company boss director. In recent years, involved in the film industry. Jay Chou is 2000 years later the most revolutionary Asian pop music with the creation of the benchmark "Asia singer," said pop king. He break through original music theme, form in Asia, the music material, fusion multivariate create various songs style, especially in the fusion of music in the style of the hip-hop or r&b most famous Chinese pop music, is a tradition of "Chinese wind". Jay in breaking the Asian pop elder stagnant situation, for the Asian pop open a new page!
中文: 周杰伦,在1979年1月18日出声,是中国台湾华语流行歌手、著名音乐人、音乐创作家、作曲家、作词人、制作人、杰威尔音乐公司老板之一、导演。近年涉足电影行业。周杰伦是2000年后亚洲流行乐坛最具革命性与指标性的创作歌手,有“亚洲流行天王”之称。他突破原有亚洲音乐的主题、形式,融合多元的音乐素材,创造出多变的歌曲风格,尤以融合中西式曲风的嘻哈或节奏蓝调最为著名,可说是开创华语流行音乐“中国风”的先声。周杰伦的出现打破了亚洲流行乐坛长年停滞不前的局面,为亚洲流行乐坛翻开了新的一页!