
要求: 要比较专业的翻译,不要用机器翻译的,谢谢啦~~~~~~

2. Artificially Intelligent Expert System (AIES) models - modem information technologies are used in models' construction. Computers are "taught" how to solve problems in a default situation based on previous experience (e.g. Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) model, etc). These models usually combine quantitative and qualitative information in order to simulate human behavior more accurately, so their background is also based on statistical methodology. As well as statistical models, artificial intelligence models are also focused on the symptoms (warnings) of financial difficulties.
3. Theoretic models - these models are based on given theoretical assumptions. They are constructed from qualitative information that must satisfy the theoretical assumptions to be included in the model (e.g. Balance Sheet Decomposition Measure (BSDM)/Entropy theory, Gambler's Ruin theory, Prisoners Dilemma, etc). These models commonly use statistical methodology for quantitative verification of theoretical assumptions. Unlike the remaining two groups of models, the theoretic models have focused on the causes of financial difficulties, rather than on symptoms.
The results of Adnan Aziz's and Dar's comparative analysis (2006:23) showed that 67% of the 89 analyzed models designed in the period 1968 - 2005 were constructed using financial ratios, while a smaller number of models (the remaining 33%) also included company-specific variables, such as location, industry and / or characteristics of the macroeconomic environment. Within a group of statistical models, linear discriminant analysis was used in almost half of statistical models (47.36%) or in 30% of all empirical studies. Although the development of information technology "opened the door" to the use of different methodological approaches, the largest number of researches is still based on Altaian's Z-score model, trying to adapt it to the characteristics of the sample and / or improve it by adding new ratios. However, the prognostic power of each model cannot be uniquely determined, but depends on a number of factors, such as the time horizon of prediction, the specific qualities of financial reporting framework and the capital market characteristics.

阿齐兹的结果是阿南的比较分析,坦(2006:23)表明67%的分析模型,设计了89 1968年- 2005年期间被建造,而使用财务比率的数量模型(33%),还包括了剩余的变量,如特定位置、工业和/或特征的宏观经济环境。在一组统计模型、线性判别分析应用于几乎一半的统计模型(47.36%)或在30%的实证研究。虽然信息技术的发展,“打开门”来使用不同的研究方法,最多的研究仍然是基于Altaian z计分模型的基础上,努力的去适应它的特点和/或提高样本由addin