
假如你是你们学校《校园英语报》(Campus English Study)的宣传负责人 最近报纸进行了不少改进 请你写一份150词左右的广告短文来鼓励大家阅读《校园英语报》。要点如下:
1. 版面内容:每周新闻 语言课堂 体育 音乐 学生报道
2 特色:图文并茂 举办各类比赛 开办俱乐部
3 目的:学习英语词汇 提高英语水平 获取各种信息

Ladies and Gentlemen:
May I have your attention,please?This is Zoe from <<Campus English Study>>.After absorbing many readers' advise,our <<Campus English Study>> has a few changes.Thanks for all your kindly suggestions.The main changes as follows:
The layout has increased new columns.Firstly,we must knew what happen in the world.So we have weekly news for you to read.Also,we open a language class in the paper to make all students learn more English.There are also some entertainment for you such as sports and music.English paper need more students to take part in.So we add a special column called students reports.All students can contribute their articles.Then we will choose the best two or three to make more students read.
The main feature of new <<Campus English Study>> is the picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent.When you read the essay,the attached pictures can give you more detailed impression.And we host various contest to make more people take part in.Also we open many clubs which also attract those who have great interest .
Our purpose is make students acquiring more information while improving their English level.Also it can help them to increase their vocabularies.
第1个回答  2010-05-23