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Anna,acting as the main character in Leo Tolsto's classical work---Anna Karenina,has been repeatedly studied and thought back by people,and she becomes an indispensable highlight in the history of the world literature.The paper will discuss the origin of Anna's tragedy by studying her tragic life.First of all,the paper will illustrate the author's decisive effect on the form of Anna,from his thoughts and experience.Secondly,by analyzing Anna herself,her surroundings,and her unique inner space,ect,the paper discusses Anna's servility which is owned by women in the special period,illustrating Anna's tragedy result from the servility.At last,the paper displays the origin of Anna's tragedy from the opposite direction,and summarizes the reason of it,based on the comparison with Leo Tolsto's good life and Anna's famous revolutionary.

第1个回答  2010-06-01
As Leo Tolstoy classic "Anna • Kalielinnuo" in the main characters, Anna, the role has been repeatedly studied and unforgettable people, become an indispensable history of world literature highlights. This will be tragic life of Anna as the research object, the root causes of the tragedy of Anna. First, from the author's ideas, experience starting note of the role of Anna, played a decisive role in forming; Secondly, from the Anna character itself, the surrounding environment, and the inner world of women's unique perspectives of in-depth analysis of Anna in a particular period show when the female-specific "servility", indicating it is this slave mentality drove Anna to a tragic end; the last column from the text of a better life with the contrast and widespread revolutionary Anna angles, from the opposite direction to show Anna origin of tragedy, summed up the reasons for the formation of Anna tragedy.
