

Construction machinery has developed rapidly in recent years, the stock of rapid growth. Large construction machinery market, the current localization rate is not high, mainly rely on imports and foreign enterprises in China, import substitution space is huge. Miniaturization, miniaturization is the trend of development, product life is the main gap between domestic and foreign products, surface treatment technology and materials are the key points to improve the service life of the product. Construction machinery is the largest user of hydraulic products, accounting for 42.3% of the sales of the industry, the construction machinery market is huge.
Mechanical transmission and hydraulic mechanical transmission (except for hydraulic excavator) are the main methods used in construction machinery. Now, the transmission mode of hydraulic and electric power transmission also appears in the engineering machinery walking drive device, fully indicates that the development of science and technology in this field is a huge impetus to the role of.
Compared with the pure mechanical and hydraulic transmission, hydraulic transmission of the main advantages is the regulation of convenience and layout flexibility, according to the needs of the morphology and the mechanical engineering conditions, the engine, a driving wheel, a working mechanism of each component is respectively arranged in the reasonable parts, engine work in scheduling any speed, transmission system can play a greater traction and transmission system in a wide range of output speed can still maintain a high efficiency, and easy access to a variety of optimization of power transmission characteristics to adapt to the load state of the various operations.
With the combination of electronic technology and hydraulic technology, it can be very easy to achieve a variety of hydraulic system of regulation and control. The introduction of computer control and the application of all kinds of sensors, but also greatly expanded the scope of the work of hydraulic components. Through the sensor to monitor the engineering vehicle state parameters, through the computer output control target instruction, the vehicle automatic control is achieved in the whole operating range, machine of the fuel economy, power and productivity of reached optimum value. Therefore, the use of hydraulic transmission can make the construction machinery easy to realize intelligent, energy saving and environmental protection, and this has become the current and future development trend of construction machinery.
Due to the development of modern science and technology, electronic technology in the signal processing ability and speed of occupy a great advantage. And the hydraulic and electric drive in their respective power components in terms of the characteristics of their own strengths. Therefore, in addition to the now ubiquitous "electronic nerve and hydraulic muscle" of this model, both in terms of power flow transmission composite also many successful examples, such as: composed of conversion or DC motor speed control and high efficiency and low ripple quantitative hydraulic pump variable flow hydraulic oil source, with the installation of the integrated electric pump hydraulic cylinder or low speed high torque hydraulic motor which is the electric hydraulic execution unit, and a hybrid industrial vehicle drive system.


Mechanical transmission and hydraulic mechanical transmission (except for hydraulic excavator) are the main methods used in construction machinery. Now, the transmission mode of hydraulic and electric power transmission also appears in the engineering machinery walking drive device, fully indicates...

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一个容器里的液体,对容器底部(或侧壁)产生的压力远大于液体自身所受的重力。帕斯卡定律:加在密闭液体任一部分的压强能够大小不变的被液体向各个方向传递 公式:F1/F2(F为施加的力)=S2/S2(S指大小活塞的面积)应用:千斤顶,液压机 你可根据帕斯卡原理及其应用,自己写一下就可以了。

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莲属(Nelumbo Adans.)植物是被子植物中起源最早的种属之一。据古植物学家研究化石证实,一亿三千五百万年以前,在北半球的许多水域地方都有莲属植物的分布。那时候,正植巨型爬行动物恐龙急剧减少的后期,它在地球上生长的时间比人类祖先的出现(200万年前)早得多。前苏联A.H.克里斯托弗维奇《古植物学...


字里行间洋溢着作者本人对生命的尊重与热爱。本书的问世被看作动物心理学的诞生。 《昆虫记》不仅是一部研究昆虫的科学巨著,同时也是一部讴歌生命的宏伟诗篇。法布尔穷其毕生精力深入昆虫世界,在自然环境中对昆虫进行观察与实验,真实地记录下昆虫的本能与习性,他刻苦钻研,牺牲了自己私有的时间去观察...

