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In recent years, the rapid growth of motor vehicles in Shenzhen, traffic congestion, traffic pollution is becoming more and more serious. As of December 20, 2014, Shenzhen vehicle fleet of more than3140000 units, nearly 5 years the average annual growth rate of about 16%, per kilometre of roadvehicles about 500 vehicles, the density of the country's first. Among them, in 2013, about 370000 new units, the growth rate reached 16.5%; in 2014 added about 550000 vehicles, the growth rate of20.9%. Along with the sustained and rapid growth of motor vehicles, traffic congestion timeincreasing, the traffic congestion areas continue to expand. In December last year, the original SARexpressway, trunk road average flow rate of 165000 a day, morning and evening peak flow of 19200 vehicles per day of 4 hours, accounting for 11.66% of daily flow. Since the outer limit orderissued, the original SAR of 186000 a day, morning and evening peak flow of 24000 vehicles per day, accounting for 12.90% the proportion of commuter traffic flow, the peak of the rush hour traffichas increased, increased efficiency, in this context, the 2015 provisions of the limit line to ShenzhenShenzhen car restriction rules promulgated. According to the Shenzhen municipal foreign car limit line, the field plate shall be in accordance with the provisions of the car route during the morning and evening peak and area of travel. The Shenzhen foreign cars limit line for the latest news,February 1st, the morning rush to work (7:00~9:00), (17:30~19:30) during the evening peak, all the way in Shenzhen, Luohu District, Futian District, Yantian District, Nanshan District 4 administrativeregion, small, mini passenger cars in Shenzhen issued a motor vehicle license plate shall be run according to the the provisions of the route and area. 2015 Shenzhen restrictions on Shenzhen foreign cars limit line sections and the time limit prescribed above, large and medium-sized passenger car is not restricted, the truck into the Shenzhen city roads should apply for permits in accordance with the provisions of. The notice of violation of the provisions of the vehicle driversfined 300 yuan, a penalty of 3 points. 2015 Shenzhen limit line since February 1st, systemmonitoring to deep plate of passenger cars in Shenzhen limit line road, time limit line driving record,the first second times, not punishment, since third time the punishment according to law. Shenzhenimported vehicle limit line for the latest news, please pay attention to the Shenzhen traffic police bureau. The vehicle is the most important security, suggested by Zhongmin insurance network forquality insurance and accident insurance products.
第1个回答  2015-04-17

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