
旁边要加上中文 急急!!!!!! 我是五年级

Winter vacation schedule 寒假作息表

Seven o'clock 七点钟;Get up 起床;

Seven thirty 七点半;Eat breakfast 吃早餐;

Eight o'clock 八点钟;Eleven thirty 锻炼;

Nine o'clock 九点钟;Do homework 写作业;

Eleven o'clock十一点钟;To have lunch 吃午饭;

Eleven thirty 十一点半;Eleven thirty 锻炼;

Twelve thirty 十二点半;Play玩耍;

At one o'clock in the afternoon 下午一点钟;Do homework 写作业;

At three o'clock in the afternoon 下午三点钟;Afternoon tea 下午茶

At four thirty in the afternoon 下午四点半;Play 玩耍;

At five thirty in the afternoon 下午五点半;Eat dinner 吃晚饭;

At six thirty in the afternoon 晚上六点半;Sleep 睡觉。








第1个回答  2014-01-14
Winter vacation schedule 寒假作息表
Seven o'clock七点钟 Get up起床
Seven thirty七点半 Eat breakfast吃早餐
Eight o'clock八点钟 Eleven thirty锻炼
Nine o'clock九点钟 Do homework写作业
Eleven o'clock十一点钟 To have lunch吃午饭.
Eleven thirty 十一点半 Eleven thirty 锻炼
Twelve thirty十二点半 Play玩耍
At one o'clock in the afternoon下午一点钟 Do homework写作业
At three o'clock in the afternoon下午三点钟 Afternoon tea下午茶
At four thirty in the afternoon下午四点半 Play玩耍
At five thirty in the afternoon下午五点半 Eat dinner吃晚饭
At six thirty in the afternoon晚上六点半 Sleep睡觉本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2022-02-09
Seven o'clock 七点钟;Get up 起床;
Seven thirty 七点半;Eat breakfast 吃早餐;
Eight o'clock 八点钟;Eleven thirty 锻炼;
Nine o'clock 九点钟;Do homework 写作业;
Eleven o'clock十一点钟;To have lunch 吃午饭;
Eleven thirty 十一点半;Eleven thirty 锻炼;
Twelve thirty 十二点半;Play玩耍;
At one o'clock in the afternoon 下午一点钟;Do homework 写作业;
At three o'clock in the afternoon 下午三点钟;Afternoon tea 下午茶;
At four thirty in the afternoon 下午四点半;Play 玩耍;
At five thirty in the afternoon 下午五点半;Eat dinner 吃晚饭;
At six thirty in the afternoon 晚上六点半;Sleep 睡觉
第3个回答  2014-01-14
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Moring 8.10-8.50 Wash
9.30-11.40 Study

Noon 2.30-4.00 Sports
Time 5.00-6.30 Read books
第4个回答  2023-02-06
Winter vacation schedule 寒假作息表:
Seven o'clock 七点钟;Get up 起床;
Seven thirty 七点半;Eat breakfast 吃早餐;
Eight o'clock 八点钟;Eleven thirty 锻炼;
Nine o'clock 九点钟;Do homework 写作业;
Eleven o'clock十一点钟;To have lunch 吃午饭;
Eleven thirty 十一点半;Eleven thirty 锻炼;
Twelve thirty 十二点半;Play玩耍;
At one o'clock in the afternoon 下午一点钟;Do homework 写作业;
At three o'clock in the afternoon 下午三点钟;Afternoon tea 下午茶;
At four thirty in the afternoon 下午四点半;Play 玩耍;
At five thirty in the afternoon 下午五点半;Eat dinner 吃晚饭;
At six thirty in the afternoon 晚上六点半;Sleep 睡觉。