
交颈鸳鸯戏水,并头鸾凤穿花。喜孜孜连理枝生,美甘甘同心带结。将朱唇 紧贴,把粉面斜偎。罗袜高挑,肩胛上露一弯新月;金钗倒溜,枕头边堆一朵乌 云。誓海盟山,抟弄得千般旖旎;羞云怯雨,揉搓的万种妖娆。恰恰莺声,不离 耳畔。津津甜唾,关吐舌尖。杨柳腰脉脉春浓,樱桃口呀呀气喘。星眼朦胧,细 细汗流香玉颗;酥胸荡漾,涓涓露滴牡丹心。直饶匹配眷姻偕,真实偷期滋味美

Cross neck mandarin ducks in the water, and the first pharynx phoenix flowers. Hi Zizi Lianzhi branch, the United States Gan Gan concentric knot. Will be close to the lips, the powder side oblique. Sagittarius tall, scapular on the opening of a new moon; golden hair down, pillow side of a pile of clouds. Swear sea of the sea, Tuan made a thousand beautiful; shy cloudy rain, rubbing the million kinds of enchanting. Just Ying Ying, not from the ears. Jining sweet saliva, off the tongue. Willow waist pulse Chun-chun, cherry mouth Yeah asthma. Star eye hazy, thin sweat incense jade stars; crisp rippling, trickle drops peony heart. Direct Rao match the marriage and marriage, the real taste of the United States