求大神帮忙写一篇英语作文 内容有对这学期大学英语课的收获 问题 建议 收获:

求大神帮忙写一篇英语作文 内容有对这学期大学英语课的收获 问题 建议
收获:有英语课不死板 对英语的兴趣提高了很多 了解了西方国家与中国的不同
问题:大学英语要求自主学习 习惯高中的强迫式学习了

第1个回答  2015-01-23
Before the end of the semester, I have summarized the English class in this semester, my harvest is English class die board, class interesting and I improved my interest of English also let me learn in different Western countries. But i found some problems, such as college English of our own need to learn and I am used to being forced to learn, so I suggest the teacher let us more interaction and exercise class.

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