
Regarding similar geological

and geomorphologic conditions, semi-arid
environments, land use changes, especially forestry development,
and the socio-economic problems such as
population growth, deficits in domestic water supply,
etc., the Umzimvubu catchment shows a significant
system behaviour and depicts the basin as a representative
area for broader parts of the sub-tropical South
Africa (Forsyth et al., 1997). Therefore, the project
follows an regionalisation approach, which is based on
the transfer of knowledge resulting from hillslope process
studies up to meso- and macroscale modelling.
Many studies have demonstrated that remotely
sensed data provide both actual and spatial distributed
information for hydrological catchment modelling, especially
in areas which are difficult to monitor when
using conventional techniques (Mauser et al., 1998;
Schultz and Engman, 2000).

关于类似地质和地貌条件、半干旱环境、土地使用的改变,特别是林业的发展,以及社会经济问题比如人口的增长、民用供水不足等等, Umzimvubu流域展现了一个重要系统的运行状况并勾勒出代表了南非亚热带广泛组成部分的流域( 福赛斯等,1997)。因此,项目按照区域化方法,该方法建立在以大中型模型化为对象进行坡面过程调研所取得的资料变换的基础上。许多研究已经证实遥感数据为水文流域模型提供了真实的空间分布信息,特别是在使用传统技术手段无法监测的地区(Mauser等,1998;Schultz及Engman,2000)。