

The series of Harry Potter books is great! It was written by J.K.Rowling. A normal boy called Harry Potter suddenly found that he was a wizard, his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was only 1 years old. Then he went to Hogwarts, a school which teach wizards and witches how to use magic, to study. At there, he learned many things, and made friends with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. When he was 15, he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Then Harry started to prepare to kill him. His friends stayed with him to help him. After many difficulties, at the age of 17, they finally finished the task. The whole world was saved by Harry, and became peaceful again. I can not describe so much in this short passage, but, really, the books are worth watching. You can learn many things in it, for example, many kinds of love. Your feeling goes with the story, you will laugh, you will cry, and you can not forget it. So come to enjoy it~!

《哈利波特》这部书非常棒!它由J.K.Rowling写作。一个名叫Harry Potter的普普通通的男孩突然发现自己是一个巫师,而且自己父母在自己一岁时被黑暗魔王伏地魔杀害。于是他到霍格沃茨,一所教授巫师们怎样使用魔法的学校,去学习。 在那里,他学会了很多,并与赫敏格兰杰和罗恩韦斯莱结为朋友。当他15岁时,他突然发现自己是世上唯一可以杀掉伏地魔的人。于是Harry开始准备去杀掉他。他的朋友们同他一起帮助着他,在克服了许多困难之后,在17岁时,他们终于完成了使命。整个世界都被哈利拯救了,世界又恢复了和平。我无法在这片短小的文章中描述很多,但是,真的,这部书非常值得阅读。你能从中学会很多,比如说,各种爱。你的心绪连着这个故事,你会笑,你会哭,而且无法忘记它。所以去享受它吧~!
