



Peter and John go to a restaurant to eat.They both ask for steak(肉排,鱼片).The waiter brings the steak to them shortly afterwords.Peter grabes(抢)the larger steak.John says to him angryly,
“What bad manners(礼貌)you have!You helped yourself first and you took the larger piece.!”
Peter answers,“If you had been in my place,which piece would you have taken?”
“The smaller,of course。”
“Then what are you complaining about(抱怨)? You’ve got it,haven’t you?”
第1个回答  2010-09-15
Da Vinci is a mystery man. Da Vinci is not only an outstanding artist, in many areas made great contributions. List what these areas can refer to Baidu Encyclopedia, may be appropriately omitted that the Commission has a number of relatively simple words. Proper selection of some aspects of their introduction, the hope: Because of the anatomy of research, he painted the \u0026quot;Vitruvian Man\u0026quot; Leonardo da Vinci If you want to know more about, you can read the novel \u0026quot;The Da Vinci Code \u0026quot;Although there are a lot of content is fictional, but the reading you will learn more about Leonardo da Vinci, and this book is very interesting.
第2个回答  2010-09-15
Leonardo Da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian Renaissance genius, who was good at many things, but most famous as a painter.[1] He was also a scientist, a mathematician, an engineer, an inventor, an anatomist, a sculptor, an architect, a botanist, a musician and writer. Leonardo was curious about everything in nature. He wanted to know how everything worked. He was very good at studying, designing and making all sorts of interesting things.
Leonardo da Vinci is best remembered as the painter of the Mona Lisa (1503-1506) and The Last Supper (1495). And in his spare time doodled parachutes and flying machines that resembled inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries. He made detailed drawings of human anatomy which are still highly regarded today. Leonardo also was quirky enough to write notebook entries in mirror (backwards) script, a trick which kept many of his observations from being widely known until decades after his death.
第3个回答  2010-09-15