
First, ③a pack of about sixkillers worked as a team to attack the whale,some ④ throwing (throw) themselves on the top of the whale’s blow­hole to stop it breathing and others stopping it diving or fleeingout to sea.

a pack of about sixkillers(主语) worked(谓语) as a team to attack the whale(to部分是目的状语), (前面这个逗号表示前面是一个完整句子,后面没有连接词是附属成分,不能成句子了)(后面部分是状语表示attack the whale的方法)some throwing (throw) themselves on the top of the whale’s blowhole to stop it breathing and others stopping it diving or fleeingout to sea. some 后面是非谓语动词形式不是括号里那个动词,some 和后面的others 并列。