

Please kindly advise if this invoice meets your needs. As Fiona does not work here anymore, me and my collegue are not sure what to offer. If there is a mistake, please kindly let us know. Thank you.
第1个回答  2011-03-18
Is this the invoice format that you need? As Fiona had left, I and my colleagues are not sure what should we offer, if there is any mistakes, please inform us.

Me and my colleages 是不能 这样用的。Me 只能 放在句子的后面/中间,所以要用 I。
第2个回答  2011-03-18
Please advise me if this receipt meets your requirement. Due to the leaving of Fiona, I and my collegues are not sure what information to provide. If there is a mistake, please inform us. Thank you for your patience.

第3个回答  2011-03-18
Excuse me.Are these the invoices you need?
Sorry,but neither my colleagues nor I know what to provide,for FIONA has resigned.Please tell us if there's a mistake.