
1.TH CO., LTD agrees to promptly disclose all Improvements to MEDIA CO.,LTD and otherwise to keep such Improvements confidential on the same terms as it shall keep Confidential Information confidential hereunder. TH CO., LTD agrees to cause such Improvements to be assigned to MEDIA CO., LTD.

2.during and for a period of 10 years following termination of the Evaluation, and during and for a period of 5 years following termination of any commercial arrangements between the parties that may result from the Evaluation,TH CO., LTD shall not directly or indirectly manufacture and/or use any Product or any products that directly compete with the Product.
3.Without limiting the generality of Section 8, this Section 6 shall in no event be construed to vest in TH CO., LTD any rights in or to the use of the Confidential Information in connection with the manufacture or use of Product or otherwise.
4.No licenses or rights under any patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret are granted or are to be implied by this Agreement.


1. TH公司同意立即向MEDIA公司透露所有的改进措施,另外要对这些改进措施保密,下文同样适用此条款--对机要信息进行保密。TH公司同意促成这些改进措施应用于MEDIA公司。

2. 在评估期间以及评估终止之后的10年里,以及合同双方可能由评估引起的商业安排终止之后的5年里,TH公司不应直接或间接地制造或使用该产品,或制造与使用任何与该产品直接竞争的产品。

3. 在不限制第8条款一般性的情况下,第6条款决不能被解释授予TH公司任何权利来使用与产品制造和使用有关的机要信息。

4. 本协议不允许使用任何形式的专利、版权、商标或商业机密的许可证或权利。