
1. 熟悉计算机的软硬件及网络的故障维修;
2. 熟练组建并维护企业的内部网络;
3. 熟练制作网页及网站的建设;
2002-2006: 康信电脑公司技术主管
主要负责: 服务器架设、综合布线、计算机组装等
2006-今: 天津新濠汽车维修服务有限公司计算机及网络管理
主要负责: 企业内部网络的管理维护,计算机及办公设备的维修维护等
2003/4-2003/6 在康信公司参与天津中医学院第一附属医院的服务器及网络的搭建;
2003/9-2003/11 在康信公司参与天津中医学院第一附属医院的电子阅览室的组建;
2004/10-2006/3 在康信公司负责天津中医学院第一附属医院的网络及计算机的维护;
2006/5-2006/10 参与了天津仁爱集团总部的企业内部网络组建及网站的设计;
2005/7-今 在天津市河北区图书馆任国家计算机等级考试(一级和二级)的考前辅导教师及网络与硬件维护班的教师(兼职);




IT skills : 1. Familiar with the computer hardware and software and network fault maintenance; 2. organizing and maintaining skilled enterprise's internal network; 3. skilled production website and the website of the building; Work experience : 2002-2006 : James Thompson in charge of technical computer company is mainly responsible for : the server set up, integrated wiring, Computer assembly 2006-today : new Ho Tianjin Automobile Services Ltd. and computer network management is mainly responsible for : enterprise network management and maintenance, computer and office equipment repair maintenance project experience : James Thompson 2003/4-2003/6 companies in the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the first server and network structures; James Thompson 2003/9-2003/11 companies in the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the first leg of the Electronic Reading Room organized; James Thompson 2004/10-2006/3 company in Tianjin, China Medical College Hospital in the first leg and computer network maintenance; 2006/5-2006/10 involved in the Tianjin caring corporate headquarters of the formation of the internal network and website design ; 2005/7- today in Tianjin - Hebei Library National Computer Rank Examination (one and two) before attending counseling teachers and network and hardware maintenance classes of the teachers (part-time); Education : Law college graduates , we are now in school (the Self-law). A la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA self-evaluation : I love the computer industry, and a strong motivation to work seriously; with the spirit of cooperation and teamwork, endured hardship, the stronger the spirit of collaboration and the organization and leadership; have very strong self-learning ability and resilience, treat new things have a strong thirst for knowledge.