火狐的缓存文件用about:cache 打开后,具体的文件如何打开?

内存 硬盘 脱机 ,三种缓存里的文件如何真正打开,(点其链接,就是些字符出来,,用附件cache view ,那东西鼠标右击才出来,点“all cache”也没看到文件嘛。

既然你有cache viewer就用它看就行了 你也知道怎样打开不是吗? about:cache里面不提供打开的方式 你可以把地址复制到地址栏打开
第1个回答  2013-08-22


Note from Mozilla: This add-on has been discontinued. Try CacheViewer Continuedinstead.

This extenion is GUI Front-end of "about:cache"...


第2个回答  2011-01-09
Memory cache device

Number of entries: 23
Maximum storage size: 24576 KiB
Storage in use: 296 KiB
Inactive storage: 296 KiB

List Cache Entries
Disk cache device

Number of entries: 3512
Maximum storage size: 51200 KiB
Storage in use: 51192 KiB
Cache Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\frank\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\i019cc8v.default\Cache

List Cache Entries
Offline cache device

Number of entries: 0
Maximum storage size: 512000 KiB
Storage in use: 0 KiB
Cache Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\frank\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\i019cc8v.default\OfflineCache

List Cache Entries