

  Necklace "读后感
  "The Necklace" the article for "Featured Maupassant short story", it is by the famous French writer Maupassant wrote. The author was born in the coastal region of Normandy region of a decline of a noble family. Since an early age by the wealthy mother of a romantic temperament her mother's influence, so that he could not endure the aristocratic atmosphere of the school, addressed to a public school reading. Maupassant's article are very pessimistic about the color, which with his health status and historical background are closely related.
  Described in this article are his wife罗塞瓦德full vanity, her first time at the banquet in order to enjoy the limelight, deliberately borrowed from his girlfriend a diamond necklace. Wearing a necklace when she appeared at the banquet on time, causing the audience to praise and flattery of the people, her vanity has been greatly satisfied. Unfortunately, the way home, this necklace is missing. This compensation for the value of 36,000 francs gold necklace, she has been heavily indebted negative. After a decade of her things to scrimp and save to pay off the debt. The ironic part is when she told the other side of the necklace is missing is false.罗塞瓦德his wife through "打肿脸充胖子" approach to show the self-concept of the driver face, so that she suffered.
  "Oh, poor couples罗瓦塞尔! Destiny really make fun of people." That was my first after reading the article. When the aftertaste from the article again, I can not help but think: If they do not for vanity, would be so much cost? Vanity, a terrible but invisible demon, are made in order to honor and caused widespread attention shown by an abnormal social emotions, are an indisputable gain of a bad quality. Vanity candid people will move toward hypocrisy. Vanity strong regular people usually boast a showing off of conduct, through the bragging, occult, etc. to express their own deception. Vanity strong person, there is usually jealous impulse, the ability to see others than themselves, and status than their higher destiny than its own good, the appearance of the United States than their own, they feel uncomfortable and not fun. And even exclusion, ridicule, attack, alienation, self-resilient than embarrass people, intentionally or unintentionally, to make the damage done to these people. Have, vanity strong person, in particular, likes to listen to the words of flattery, compliment, it is most unacceptable and others are publicly contradict or face-to-face advice, the most intolerable of老底are exposing him. As a result, making him probably are some narrow circle of the "villains."
  French philosopher Bergson said: "It is hard to say vanity is an evil, but all the evil all around the vanity and Health, is but a means to satisfy the vanity." False Honor is a flash that is broken bubble, we should not pursue that do not belong to their own false things; and want to go down-to-earth干一番事业, through the struggle to create their own honor to belong to.

  【中文部分请见谅 = = 】
第1个回答  2011-02-13
you are a sally
第2个回答  2012-11-18
oh no I don‘t like English

the way home, this necklace is missing. This compensation for the value of 36,000 francs gold necklace, she has been heavily indebted negative. After a decade of her things to scrimp and save to pay off the debt. The ironic part is when she told the other side...

...的英文简介+评论,初中水平 生词不要太多 200-300字左右
这是项链的,有点长,你自己删删减减吧O(∩_∩)O~Tilt is a beautiful woman, her husband was an ordinary clerk. Although she has low status, but luxury of aristocratic life, obsessive, desire to participate in upper-class communicative activities, to attend a grand party, she used...

《项链》读后感1 最近我看了一本书,名叫《莫泊桑短篇小说集》。里面的故事让我记忆犹新,其中我最喜欢一则名叫《项链》的故事。 《项链》的主角玛蒂尔德是个年轻美貌的女子。但由于出生卑微,所以嫁给了一个平凡人,过着平淡的生活。但是,玛蒂尔德十分虚荣,常常想象自己是某个家族的贵妇人。在参加一个舞会时,他借了...

《项链》莫泊桑 英语简介
罗瓦赛尔太太由于虚荣心作祟,向一个贵妇人借了一条项链。后来这条项链不慎在舞会上丢失,罗瓦赛尔太太为了赔给朋友一模一样的项链,落入高利贷的陷阱,就此开始了艰辛的生活,葬送了十年的青春。最后,当她在还清欠款后,偶遇那位贵妇人时,妇人却告诉她那条项链其实是假的。英文介绍:The story takes pl...

在首饰行里,他们找到了一串一模一样的项链,价值三万六千法郎。 由于他们本身生活就不是很宽裕,面对这一笔大数目,他们不得不到处借债,最后买了一串真的钻石项链还给物主。但此后,他们整整花了十年工夫,才还清了债务。 后来的一天,玛蒂尔德碰见女友伏来士洁,在言谈中知道先前借给她的项链是件赝品,而她却赔了真...

项链 莫泊桑 英文读后感
项链》读后感 《项链》这篇文章出于《莫泊桑短篇小说精选》,它是由法国著名作家莫泊桑撰写的。作者出生于诺曼底地区滨海地区一个没落的贵族家庭。因为从小受到富有母亲浪漫气质的母亲的影响,使他无法忍受贵族学校的气氛,转致一所公立学校读书。莫泊桑的文章都充满了悲观色彩,这与他的健康状况和历史背景有着...

4、她早就指望自己能够取悦于人,能够被人羡慕,能够有诱惑力而且被人追求。She would so much have liked to please, to be envied, to be seductive and sought after.5、她有一个有钱的女朋友,一个在教会女学里的女同学,可是现在已经不再想去看她,因为看了之后回来,她总会感到痛苦。She...

项链读后感300字 篇一:项链>读后感300字 “项链”主要是讲罗瓦赛尔太太将去参加教育部举行的晚会,为了不在阔太太们丢人现眼,她花去丈夫所有的积蓄做了一件漂亮衣服,又借了一串华丽的金刚石项链。晚会上,他获得了极大的成功。正当他陶醉在>幸福中时,项链却丢失了。为了赔偿这件昂贵的首饰,夫妻俩...

辞掉了女仆她和丈夫都在不停的做兼职,长时间的劳动使她丢失了美貌与青春。她再也不像当年一样美丽动人,从朋友口中得知真相的她有的只是数不尽的后悔。 3.莫泊桑《项链》读后感范文 今天我读了《莫泊桑短篇小说》这本书。作者自然不用我多说,他就是法国短篇小说家莫泊桑,有着“世界短篇小说”的美称。这本说...

急求莫泊桑-项链《The Nacklace》英文续写!!!
