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The Importance of Being Honest

Honesty is one of the fundamental aspects of recovery. We apply this principle when we admit our powerlessness and unmanageability and we continue to apply it every time we are faced with the option of living in our fantasy worlds or living our life on life's terms.

Telling the truth initially will take practice, just like everything else in our lives. We can practice this daily by pausing before we speak and keeping our answers simple. Do not over emphasize, exaggerate, explain, or rationalize in a defensive manner. In time being brutally honest will become a natural way of life and with it the peace that you've always searched for. The answers are always simple but the executions are far from easy. Take time to write about your day and discover if you've been less than honest with others or yourself. With this knowledge we can go into the next day with renewed affirmations to apply honesty in all areas of our lives.

Honesty may be uncomfortable, but the internal angst we have to endure when we are dishonest is far worse than the discomfort of telling the truth.