
题目:My ranking of the determining forces in shaping human nature: Environmental factors,peers,peers, schooling, family, genes, etc.

第1个回答  2010-12-20
A young man once came to meet me Jeruslem . He had unusually happy disposition , so I asked him what's his secret .He told me ,"When I was 11 years old , I rexeived a gift of happiness from God ."
"I was riding my hicyele when a strong gust of wind blew me onto the ground into the path of an oncoming truck . The truck ran over me and cut off my leg."
"As I lay there bleeding . I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without a leg . How depressing ! But then I realied that being depressed won't get my leg back . So I decided right then and there not to waste my life despairing ."
"When my parents arrived at the hospital they were shocked and grieving . So I told them ,'I have aleady adapted . Now you alos have to get used to this .' "
"Ever since then ,when I see my friends getting upset over litte thing: their bus came late , they got a bad grade on a test, somebody msulted them,I still just enjoy life ."
At age 11 , this young man attamed the clarity that it is a waste of enenrgy to focus on what you have missed , and that
the key to happiness to take pleasure in what you have .
第2个回答  2012-04-24
我 死活搞不懂determining forces in shaping human nature是什么意思