“ 龙 ”的英文谚语


Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.强龙难压地头蛇
.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
like dragon flying and phoenixes dancing 龙飞凤舞
Of or suggestive of a dragon. 龙的或似龙的
Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon. 与其跟龙一块儿上床,宁可坐着熬一整夜。
Dragons are the coinage of the brain. 龙是想像的产物。
第1个回答  2010-12-19
Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.强龙难压地头蛇
.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
like dragon flying and phoenixes dancing 龙飞凤舞
Of or suggestive of a dragon. 龙的或似龙的
Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon. 与其跟龙一块儿上床,宁可坐着熬一整夜。
Dragons are the coinage of the brain. 龙是想像的产物。
第2个回答  2010-12-08
强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.

3. Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt .强龙难压地头蛇 [谚语俚语]Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.强龙难压...

“龙 ”的英文谚语
Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.强龙难压地头蛇 .the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 like dragon flying and phoenixes dancing 龙飞凤舞 Of or suggestive of a dragon. 龙...

Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.强龙难压地头蛇 .the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 like dragon flying and phoenixes dancing 龙飞凤舞 Of or suggestive of a dragon. 龙...

Many Chinese people often use the term "Descendants of the Dragon" (龙的传人) as a sign of ethnic identity, as part of a trend started in the 1970s when different Asian nationalities were looking for animal symbols for representations. The wolf was used among the Mongols, the ...

人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这一概念, 最好将其译成the Chinese dragon。如“亚洲四小龙”可译成“Four tigers”, 而不是“Four dragons”, 以免引起误解。审美价值取向和社会心理的差异 审美价值取向和社会心理的差异的不同造成同一动物词在中英两种文化中产生不同的褒贬义, 这与英汉两个民族...

英语谚语:When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war 中文...
英语谚语: When Greek meets Greek then es the tug of war 中文意思: 龙争虎斗。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Write down the advice of him that loves you though you like it not at present 爱你的忠言且记下,即使你目前不爱它。 Write it on your heart every day is the...

龙抬头在英文中被称为Dragon Head Raising Day。这个节日,也被称为春耕节、农事节或春龙节,是中国传统的民间节日之一。据民间传说,这一天是掌管云雨的龙王抬头之日,预示着此后的雨水将逐渐增多。因此,民间有“二月二,龙抬头”的谚语,象征着春天的到来,万物复苏,冬眠的龙也开始活动,预示着新的...

牛Ox 虎Tiger 兔Rabbit 龙Dragon 蛇Serpent\/ Snake 马Horse 羊Sheep 猴M 鸡Rooster 狗Dog 猪Pig 一. 鼠——Rat 英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探,破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生、下流女人。当看到smell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 。

④ 跟龙有关的英语谚语,成语最好不要。1.February, dragons looked up 二月二龙抬头 2. Don't go to provoke dragon, no matter you are what bibcock not le *** ian horsetail: the strength not marketable lu fish jumped the goal 千万不要去招惹龙,无论你是什么 龙头不拉拉...

17、龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。 Dragon can't live without clouds, fish can't live without water. 18、宁苦干,不苦熬。 Better work than suffer. 19、 春分 不种麦,别怨收成坏。 Don't complain about the bad harvest. 20、蚊子咬得怪,天气要变坏。 Mosquitoes bite strangely and the weather will...
