英语口语考试 求几段对话

4.对话需体现互动性,双方各自不得少于5句话,使用语句不得过于简单,如yes, no, ok, all right…等
1.对话内容:切题,能使用所学句型与短语,对话内容丰富,与对方配合默契, 4分;如对话内容过于简单,视情况扣除1-2分。

1. Recently the Students Union will hold a competition of Cooking Skills. A and B want to take part in the competition, now they are exchanging their favorite dishes and the cooking skills.
2. After the short vocation of May Day, A met his classmate B at the campus. They talk about their own activities and something interesting happened during the vocation.
3. A needs to buy several books on amazon.cn, but he doesn’t know how to do that. B can give A some instructions like how to give order, pay for the books and receive the post parcel.
4. A felt sick this morning, he has the symptoms like (headache, vomiting, cough etc). So A goes to Doctor B’s clinic to get a prescription.
5. On the first day of the new semester, student A greeted a freshman B at the school gate. B had to register at the Gym first and then he wanted to go to the Students’ Dormitory Building 5. A should give B a clear direction about the route and some advices for registration.
6. A’s classmates will hold a picnic at this weekend. A is asked to invite the foreign teacher B to join you. A needs to tell B some details, like the exact place, time and some interesting activities. B is very glad to take part in the activity and he also gives some advices.

Hello, morning to u doctor, i feel a little bit vomiting now, cud i ask for a medicine?
morning to u, yes, what did u really feel like?
just vomiting, and i am hungry, but don't want to eat anything.
ok, how long does it take? still that u said?
oh, no, better now, mabye no need to have medicine?
of course no, here is the prescription. hoping u'll recover soon.
thk u doctor, bye.
第1个回答  2011-06-20
大哥,民大的吧、、。。。 你哪个班的?
第2个回答  2011-06-22