

Tianzhu, you are the only love of my life, wait me back, ok? I love you forever. Take care of yourself when you are alone. I'll be back for your birthday.
第1个回答  2011-07-25
tianzhu。you are my only love in my life, would you wait for me? I will always love you. please take good care of youself when I was not besides you. we will celebrate your birthday when I come back.
第2个回答  2011-07-25
Tianzhu, I love you all my life, will you wait me until my back ?
I love you forever. You need to take care of yourself when I am absent. I will celebrate your birthday when I am back.

我稍微给您润色了下,不知介意否?因为好好吃饭好好睡觉说实话是我们中国人的习惯表达,老外还是比较接受就是在我不在的时候你好好照顾自己,所以那句话我帮您修改了下:You need to take care of yourself when I am absent.
第3个回答  2011-07-29
Tianzhu, I only love you in this life, and so on. I come back? I'll love you forever. When I am not here to eat well sleep well. Back to accompany your birthday.