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咖啡是世界三大饮料之一,其受欢迎度,不亚于中国的茶,在希腊语中咖啡具有“力量和热情”的含义。在咖啡馆里,不同的咖啡豆就会用不同的咖啡机去调制,其制作方法和过程十分的讲究。如今在这个速度和效率至上的时代,人们创造出了许多新的口味,新的喝法。如麦斯威尔咖啡就创造出了咖啡奶茶,巧克力咖啡,奶特咖啡,香草咖啡.....等新口味。 在这个"速溶"的时代,咖啡所带给我们的,不仅仅是香浓的口味,我们要的,是一种感觉,我们会疯狂地沉浸在那种感觉中。也许那只是街角的一个不起眼的门脸,也许它的咖啡并不是那么好喝,但是,我们迷恋那儿的空气,光线,声音,忘记时间地沉浸在那里。本文作者将介绍咖啡的作用及咖啡普及度相当高的韩国民众的咖啡生活,探讨为何韩国的咖啡普及度如此之高,通过对韩国民众咖啡生活的探讨,提出中国在吸取外来文化的同时应注意的问题和建议。
韩国 咖啡生活 文化融合 这个也翻译一下

Coffee is one of the three drinks in the world , it is very popular no less than China's tea. coffee has " strength and passion" meaning i n ancient Greek.
In a cafe, different coffee beans will be used in different coffee machine to modulate, both the method and the process are very exquisite.
Now in the speed and efficiency first era, people have created many new taste, new method to drink .
Such as maxwell house coffee has created coffee milk tea, coffee, milk chocolate coffee, vanilla coffee... and many other new taste.
In this "instant" era, coffee brings us, not only the aromatic flavor, but also a kind of feeling that we will frantically immersed in .
Maybe that's just a small corner of the street, and its coffe is not so nice .However,we are obsessed with the air, light, sound,and immersed in there without time passing.
The author will introduce the function of coffee and coffee life in south Korean where coffee is very popular in , investigate the reason of it ,and throughing the investigation, pick up and Put forward problems and suggestions of absorbing foreign culture of china .
希望有用,翻译了好久。Cultural fusion 表示文化融合。什么韩国啊,咖啡文化,文章里都有
第1个回答  2011-05-16
Coffee is one of the three drinks, its popularity, no less than China's tea, coffee has "in ancient Greek strength and passion" meaning. In a cafe, different coffee beans will use different coffee machine to modulation, make the method and the process is very exquisite. Now in the speed and efficiency first era, people have created many new taste, new drink method. Such as maxwell house coffee will create a coffee milk tea, coffee, milk chocolate, coffee, vanilla coffee... And other new taste. In this "instant" era, coffee brings us, not just the aromatic flavor, and we want to, is a kind of feeling, we'll frantically immersed in that kind of feeling. Maybe that's just around the corner, and an insignificant ? backyards
悬赏分给我吧,我也敢已很久呢。我现在财富值很少呢 拜托