请高手帮忙解答一下 谢谢了(暂时没分了,希望好心人帮帮忙!)

这是一位管理者写的:I pondered the business and government-related scandals that have occupied the front pages of newspapers,it became clear that a good manager in today's world must have courage and a strong sense of integrity.He or She must know where to draw the line between right and wrong.
That can be agonizingly difficult.Drawing a line in a corporate setting sometimes involves having to make a choice between what appears to be conflicting "right".e.g:if one is faced with a decision whether or not to close an ailing factory,whose interests should prevail?Those of stockholder ? of employees?of customers?or those of the community in which the factory is located?It's a tough choice.And the typical manager faces many others.
Sometimes these choices involve simple questions of honesty or truthfulness.More often,they are more subtle and involve such issues as having to decide whether to "cut corners" and economize to meet profit objectives that may be beneficial in the short run but that are not in the best long-term interests of the various groups being served by one's company .Making the right choice in situations such as these clearly demands integrity and the courage to follow where one's integrity leads.
然后他问what is integrity,and DO you have integrity?(说明理由)
第二问我不太会写,我想委婉的说一下,请高手帮忙想一想 谢谢了

I think there is only comparative integrity. Definately, the interest of the company as a whole comes first. Then as a decision maker, one should know what is more important correspongdingly to different orientation. For example, when dealing with customer complains, only by placing oneself in others' position can he handle this well. Thus making the different choice varying certain situations can be a better and wise way, in my opinion.

1、首先你们必须申请劳动仲裁确定数额,在确定额度后申请强制执行,如果执行不了,你们有权向人民法院申请破产清算;2、如果你的公司未清算已经注销或者是没有财产及帐本不知下落等导致无法进行清算,那么你们有权起诉股东要求股东承担连带责任。纵横法律网 杨艳国律师 ...

合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 手机答题 我的 请各位高手帮忙解答一下,谢谢!:)  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 没有文化的年迈农民工退休后干点啥好?匿名用户 2014-11-16 展开全部 追答 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 匿名用户 2014-11-16 展...

1江汉平原2渭河平原【这个看不大清楚】3宁夏平原4看不轻5巴颜喀拉山6阴山 希望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

解:  1  7 M=———=——38 38 ——7 1 17 7 —— =——所以N=——N 7 17 所以 77385 M+N=——+——=——38  17  646

按规律: ⑥=5*6*7) ⑦=6*7*8 1\/⑥ +1\/⑦=(⑦+⑥)\/(⑥*⑦)△=[(⑦+⑥)\/(⑥*⑦)]*⑦ △=[⑦+⑥]\/⑥ 把⑦=6*7*8 ⑥=5*6*7 代入上式 分子可以提取公因式有(6*7) ,以分母的(6*7)互相抵消,所以 △=[8+5]\/5 △=13\/5 ...


请外贸高手帮忙查一下HS海关编码 不好意思 我没有积分了 但很着急...
个人认为您所说的3个品名都应该如下归类:HS CODE:9603301090 其他画笔 退税13%,单位“支”,报关要素:品名,用途,材质,是否野生动物产品.因为这个税号中也报过了,作为零件的刷,即笔头。


A和B都是自然数,分解质因数得到A=2×3×a,B=2×7×a,已知A和B的最小公倍数是126,即2×3×7×a=126,解这个方程,可以求出a的值.解:2×3×7×a=126 解:6×7×a=126 42×a=126 a=3 答:a的值为3.故答案为:3

...位高手用方程式帮我计算一下步骤要详细 我没积分 求帮忙 谢谢...
z 则由题意列出方程组①x*y=19②2*(x+y)=17.6③19*2+2*x*z+2*y*z=69.72 由②得y=8.8-x 联立①得x*(8.8-x)=19 解方程的x=5或3.8 y=3.8或5 因为x>y 所以x=5,y=3.8 代入③得z=793\/440 所以长方体的体积为x*y*z=5*3.8*793\/440=15067\/440(立方分米)...
