

There are a lot of differences between the school habits ofAmerican and Chinese student. Especially high school kids. For example,in USA, high school usually ends at 4:00 p.m. But in China, although schoolusually ends at five, but there will be night study until 9:00 p.m., sometimeseven later!
Also, Chinese students have to do a lot of homework; I guessthere may be nobody goes to bed before ten o'clock. All their weekdays, evenweekends, they are "swimming" in the "homework pool". Theyonly do this for one reason, go to a good college. For good students theyusually talk about their grades. But for American students there are not a lotof homework, most of the time they will text their friends and talk to them,they usually don't talk about grades. On Friday nights they like to go tomovies instead of staying home doing homework.
Since American students have a lot of free time afterschool, what else they usually do? Don't they care if they can go to college ornot? Of course they do! –the same for good students, just like Chinese students,but in different ways. The colleges don't only look their grades; they alsolook at their extra-curriculum activities, like soccer team, cheerleader. Somost of the kids who are good at sports mostly likely will join sports team andother teams that interest them-that is what they do on their free time. Joiningteams is both fun and a good look on college resume.
Comparing Chinese and American students, American studentdon't have a lot of homework, but they are busy on their way to go to college,because college don't only look at the grade, they have to do lot ofextra-curriculum activities, also there have graduation test they have totake and pass before they graduate in order to receive high school diploma.中文翻译: 中国学生和美国学生之间的学习习惯差异有很多.在高中更加明显. 比方说,在美国, 高校一般下午四点放学.但是在中国, 虽然一般下午五点放学,但是学生们会有到九点的晚自习.有时候还会更晚!另外, 中国学生有山堆般的作业, 我才也许唯有那一个中国学生十点以前睡觉的.他们从太阳升起到鸡打鸣都得泡在书堆里. 只有一个原因驱使着他们这么做,那就是上好大学.那些好同学们一天到晚的或是相互谈成绩.但是对于美国学生来说,他们并没有很多的作业 ,大多数时间他们会与朋友之间护发短信和聊天.他们的谈话很少与学习沾边.周末他们不喜欢呆在家写作业,而是和朋友一起去看电影.上面提到美国国中生有很多课外自由时间,那他们在这期间还做什么呢? 他们不在意上不上大学吗?当然在意!美国好同学和中国同学一样的在意,只不过方法和方向不同罢了. 美国大学选人时不仅看成绩,还看课外活动. 像足球队,啦啦队.所以大多数有体育特长的学生会参加各种各样的队伍—这就是他们自由时间里做的事.参加队伍既有趣,又会给学生的大学申请表加分.比较中国与美国高中生,美国学生不需要做很多家作, 但是他们要忙于做其他的事去考大学. 应为大学不仅看成绩,还看活动.还有, 美国学生要想拿毕业证书,还要考毕业考试才行.