
2013/10 --至今:居然之家线上线下一体化项目

开发环境: Win7、Oracle、VS

开发工具: C#

项目描述: 居然一体化项目是以电子商务为重要手段,构建以消费者为中心、商品和设计资源为大数据基础的全渠道、全品类、全生命周期的线上线下一体化家居和设计、施工、领导数据化智能查询使用、商品交易平台生态圈。包含三个方面重要内容,一是家居平台生态圈的规划;二是设计装修平台搭建,三是线上线下一体化建设。

责任描述: 负责收银系统相关的开发与测试。

2012/10 -- 2013/8 :资材物流系统

开发环境: Win7、Eclipse、sql

开发工具: java

项目描述: 电力公司提供配电资材的发注、保管、配送等管理物流系统。

责任描述: 作为核心开发人员之一,负责管理/修理/照会/输配送等业务流程的设计和开发。

2012/1 -- 2012/10 :大连生态科技创新城能耗管理系统

开发环境: windows、Eclipse

开发工具: Flex、Java

项目描述: 该系统为物业公司提供小区能耗的控制与管理,电力自动统计,能耗消费显示,报表分析和人员管理等功能。并且可以实时反映用电负荷及警报。

责任描述: 在项目中担任设计和核心开发人员角色,参与登录界面,能源控制,设备状态,报表等模块的设计开发工作。

2010/5 -- 2012/1 :通信器械的设备管理系统

开发环境: windows、Eclipse

开发工具: java

项目描述: 该项目为大概1400人的通信器械的设备管理系统。

责任描述: 在项目种担任多个模块的设计开发任务,包括设备管理、用品管理,楼宇情报管理等。

2013/10 - so far: even house line integration project
Development environment: Win7, Oracle, VS
Development tools: C#
Project Description: the project is actually integration with e-commerce as an important means of construction, to consumers as the center, commodity and design resources for large data base of all channels, the whole category, the full life cycle of the line and design, construction, integration Home Furnishing leadership of intelligent data query, commodity trading platform using ecological circle. Contains three aspects, one is the home platform ecosystem planning; two is the decoration design platform, three is the integration of the construction of the line.
Responsibility description: responsible for the development and testing of system receiving silver related.
2012/10 - 2013/8: material logistics system
Development environment: Win7, Eclipse, SQL
Development tools: Java
Project Description: power company distribution material injection, storage and distribution logistics management system etc..
Responsibility description: as one of the core developers, responsible for management / repair / Note / distribution business process design and development.
2012/1 - 2012/10: Dalian ecological technology innovation city energy management system
Development environment: windows, Eclipse
Development tools: Flex, Java
Project Description: control and management to provide residential energy consumption of the system for the company's property, automatic statistical power, energy consumption display, report analysis and personnel management and other functions. And it can reflect the real load and alarm.
Responsibility description: as design and core developer role in projects, participate in the login interface, energy control, equipment condition, design and development work report module.
2010/5 - 2012/1: equipment management system of communication equipment
Development environment: windows, Eclipse
Development tools: Java
Project Description: equipment management system of communication equipment for about 1400 people in the project.
Responsibility description: design and development tasks as multiple modules in projects, including equipment management, goods management, building information management etc..