麻烦高手给翻译下啊,不要电脑翻译的啊,谢谢~~~ 1、劳驾警官先生。到银行怎样走?(excuse)

5、邮局就在那边。(over there)
6、乘飞机去是个好主意。(by plane)
8、附近有交通灯吗?(teaffic light)

1.Excuse me, officer, could you piease tell me how can i get to the bank?
2.Continue to walk two blocks to the corner.
3.He is lost, frightened very much.
4.She is still puzzled about how to get to the train station.
5.The post office is just over there.
6.It's a good idea to go by plane.
7.In that case, you could ask the police for help.
8.Is there traffic light nearby?
第1个回答  2012-07-13
1.Excuse me, officer, could you tell me the way to the bank?
2.Continue to walk two blocks to the corner.
3.He is lost and feels frightened very much.
4.She is still puzzled about how to walk to the train station.
5.The post office is over there.
6.It's a good idea to go by plane.
7.In that case, you can ask the police for help.
8.Are there traffic lights nearby?
第2个回答  2012-07-16
1`Excuse me,sir,where is the bank please?

keep walking two blocks till to the coner.
He is lost and frightened much.
She is still puzzled how to get to the railway station.
5、邮局就在那边。(over there)
The post office is over there.
6、乘飞机去是个好主意。(by plane)
It is a good idea to go by plane.
If it is that case,you can ask for the police`s help

8、附近有交通灯吗?(teaffic light)
Is there any traffic light near?