关于巴西的英文简介:The Federal Republic of Brazil, Brazil for short, derives its name from Brazilian mahogany. It is the largest country in South America and enjoys the reputation of "the Kingdom of Football". The total land area is 8.5149 million square kilometers, ranking fifth...
Brazil is the 10th largest economic power in the world with a 600 billion dollars GDP. The restrictive monetary and budgetary policies set up by the Lula da Silva government, have restored markets confidence but have restrained growth : GDP growth rate was 0.5% in 2003, 5.2% in...
任茜于2012年全国跳水冠军赛女子单人十米台上获得第四名,不久进入国家跳水队[1] ;2014年获得国际跳水大奖赛多项分站赛事女子单人十米台冠军[2-3] ;2015年在喀山游泳世锦赛跳水女子单人十米台中摘得银牌[4] ;2016年在巴西跳水世界杯跳水女子单人十米台中折桂,获得个人第一个世界冠军[5] ;同年在巴西里约奥运会...
many social issues still hamper development.
巴西,正式名称为巴西联邦共和国(英文:the Federative Republic of Brazil ,葡萄牙文:República Federativa do Brasil),是南美洲和拉丁美洲最大的国家。作为世界上面积和人口都是第五大的国家,它以葡萄牙语作为官方语言,这在美洲是唯一一个。巴西东部毗邻大西洋,有7491公里的海岸线。它毗邻除...
among the world’s most populated countries, the population of Brazil amounts to 50 million families or approximately 180 million inhabitants (2004), the majority - 81% - in urban areas. The national birth rate, which reached as high as 6.3 in 1960, currently stands at 2.1 ...
Brazil Brazil is a country in South America. It is the fifth-largest country and the fifth most populous countryin the world.has a coastline of over 7,367 kilometres Brazil is home to varied fauna and flora, as well as extensive natural resources. Brazil has one of the largest...
小学6年级才会几个单词啊。哪里能介绍清楚。小学6年级才会几个单词啊。哪里能介绍清楚。Brazil shares a border with almost every other country in South America--only Chile and Ecuador are untouched--and covers almost half the continent. It is the fifth largest country in the world, ...
英语 介绍巴西
旅游英语之巴西英文介绍Brasilia Fifty years ago, the spot where Brasilia now stands was nothing but cerrado(塞雷多,巴西Mina 州的一个行政区)--short scrubby forest, stretching thousands of miles in every direction. That the entire city, this modernist architectural feat, was completed ...
简介 Association football is the most prominent sport in Brazil. The National Team has won the FIFA World Cup tournament a record five times, in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002 [1] and is the only team to succeed in qualifying for every World Cup competition ever held, and ...