高分悬赏 英语高手进 翻译一篇话

汉译英 机器免进 我看得出来

尊敬的****女士您好 认识您非常高兴 前一段时间我给您儿子写过信 大概您从您儿子那里已知道我了 不知道您对我的印象如何 第一次写信给####我有些激动所以有很多话都没有表达清楚 或许您儿子从未提起过我 不过没有关系 我们现在已经认识了 这实在是我的荣幸
我并不是有意要打扰你们平静的生活 我也不是那些疯狂的喜欢****的人 因为在别人眼里他是光芒万丈的 但是在我眼里他只是一个普通的人 我可能是您认识的人当中最独特的一个吧 因为没有人像我这样的走进您的视线当中 我和####的故事很长很长 如果您愿意 请把信转交给**** 信里面的后几页 是我想要对他说的话 如果您不愿意 我也诚恳的希望****能见到这封信 如果您愿意 您也可以观看我对####说的话 信中 有我的经历 我写的诗 我的心路历程 有我对您和####取之不完用之不尽的爱 是爱让我成长 也让我勇敢的为您和####写信 千山万水的我找到了您的住址 来给您和####写信 请您留心我这个在您生命中最独特的访客 因为我到来的目的不是要扰乱你们平静的生活 而是要改变####那枯燥的生活 要他幸福 不再孤独 充满快乐 让它拥有温馨的家庭 爱他一辈子 就是这么简单 但是我这个简单的愿望实现起来却是异常的艰难 因为一个人一旦拥有了金钱名利之后 就会怀疑和他接触的每一个人 所以如果您和####怀疑我 我也可以理解你们 因为你们怕吃亏 怕被骗 换作是我我也会怀疑这样的一名突如其来的神秘访客 虽然我这个和亲爱的####在一起的愿望实现很艰难 但是我从未放弃过 我永不放弃 只要有爱 一切的误解都会烟消云散 只要有爱 等待的眼泪也是甘甜的 终有一天我会让您和####不再质疑我 你们会明白我是怎样的一个人 终有一天####会明白我的爱 我不害怕等待 因为真爱需要等待 在世界上一切都会改变 只有爱永远不会改变 时间会证明一切 我会用时间来证明我的爱 证明我的爱是真诚的 是没有虚假的

对不起 我这么和您说话很不礼貌 因为 按理来说我应该亲自登门看望您 请您原谅

改日 一定亲自到您府上拜见您

My honored lady, Ms.XXX,
Glad to meet you! I wrote to your son some time ago, maybe you have got my information from your son. I dont know what you think of me. I'm too excited to tell anything clearly as that was my first time writing to him. Maybe your son has never mentioned me, but it dosen't matter, anyhow we know each other now and this is really my great honor.
I didn't pretend to break into your peaceful life, nor am I a crazy fan of ***. He is so shining a star in other persons' point of view, however he is just an ordinary people in my view. Maybe I'm the most special one you've ever met. I don't think there is any other people who goes into your eyesight in such a way. I have a long sory with ###. If possible, please pass the letter to ***, what's in the last few pages of the letter is all that I want to tell him; If you wouldn't like to do so, I still hope scincerely *** could see this letter. You can read the words to ###, in the letter is my experience, my poetry and my journey of feelings, there is also my endless love to you and ###, the love which helps me grow and the love which encorouges me to write this letter. With so much difficulties, I finally got your address and wrote to you. Please pay some attention to me, a special visitor in your life, because I'm not coming for disturbing your life but changing ###'s boring life,making him happy and give him a warm family. That's it, that's my simple dream which is however hard to realize because when a person got frame and money, he will suspect all the people aroud him. So I can understand you are afraid of being cheated. Were it me, I would also had the ame suspection of this unexpected mysterious visitor. Although my dram of being toghether with ### is so hard to realise, I will never give up, never, because I believe love will melt all the misconception and will make tears sweet. There will be a day when you and ### can understand me and know who I am. There will be a day when ### can understand my love. I'm not scared of waiting, because true love worths waiting. Everything in the world can be changed, but the ture love. Time will prove everything, including my love, my true love, without any false.
I would say sorry if you think it's not polite talking to you in such a way because I should visit you personally. But I will pay a formal visit to your house some other day.

Yours faithfully,
第1个回答  2009-02-07
Dear Ms XXX,

Glad to meet you! I have wroten to your son some time ago, maybe you have got my information from your son. I dont know what you think of me. I'm too excited to tell something clearly as this was my first time writing to you. Maybe your son has never mentioned me, but it dosen't matter, anyhow we know each other now and this is really my great honor.

I didn't mean to break into your peaceful life, nor am I a crazy fan of ***. He is so shining a star in other persons' point of view, however he is just an ordinary people in my view. Maybe I'm the most special one you've ever met. I don't think there is any other people who goes into your eyesight in such a way. I have a long sory with ###. If possible, please pass the letter to ***, what's in the last few pages of the letter is all that I want to tell him; If you wouldn't like to do so, I still hope scincerely *** could see this letter. You can read the words to ###, in the letter is my experience, my poetry and my journey of feelings, there is also my endless love to you and ###, the love which helps me grow and the love which encorouges me to write this letter. With so much difficulties, I finally got your address and wrote to you. Please pay some attention to me, a special visitor in your life, because I'm not coming for disturbing your life but changing ###'s boring life,making him happy and give him a warm family. That's it, that's my simple dream which is however hard to realize because when a person got frame and money, he will suspect all the people aroud him. So I can understand you are afraid of being cheated. Were it me, I would also had the same suspection of this unexpected mysterious visitor. Although my dream of being toghether with ### is so hard to realise, I will never give up, never, because I believe love will melt all the misconception and will make tears sweet. There will be a day when you and ### can understand me and know who I am. There will be a day when ### can understand my love. I'm not scared of waiting, because true love deserves waiting. Everything in the world can be changed but the ture love. Time will prove everything, including my love, my true love, without any false.

I would say sorry if you think it's not polite talking to you in such a way because I should visit you personally. But I will pay a formal visit to you soon.


Yours faithfully,
第2个回答  2009-02-08
第3个回答  2009-02-08
Dear Ms XXX,

Glad to meet you! I have wroten to your son some time ago, maybe you have got my information from your son. I dont know what you think of me. I'm too excited to tell something clearly as this was my first time writing to you. Maybe your son has never mentioned me, but it dosen't matter, anyhow we know each other now and this is really my great honor.

I didn't mean to break into your peaceful life, nor am I a crazy fan of ***. He is so shining a star in other persons' point of view, however he is just an ordinary people in my view. Maybe I'm the most special one you've ever met. I don't think there is any other people who goes into your eyesight in such a way. I have a long sory with ###. If possible, please pass the letter to ***, what's in the last few pages of the letter is all that I want to tell him; If you wouldn't like to do so, I still hope scincerely *** could see this letter. You can read the words to ###, in the letter is my experience, my poetry and my journey of feelings, there is also my endless love to you and ###, the love which helps me grow and the love which encorouges me to write this letter. With so much difficulties, I finally got your address and wrote to you. Please pay some attention to me, a special visitor in your life, because I'm not coming for disturbing your life but changing ###'s boring life,making him happy and give him a warm family. That's it, that's my simple dream which is however hard to realize because when a person got frame and money, he will suspect all the people aroud him. So I can understand you are afraid of being cheated. Were it me, I would also had the same suspection of this unexpected mysterious visitor. Although my dream of being toghether with ### is so hard to realise, I will never give up, never, because I believe love will melt all the misconception and will make tears sweet. There will be a day when you and ### can understand me and know who I am. There will be a day when ### can understand my love. I'm not scared of waiting, because true love deserves waiting. Everything in the world can be changed but the ture love. Time will prove everything, including my love, my true love, without any false.

I would say sorry if you think it's not polite talking to you in such a way because I should visit you personally. But I will pay a formal visit to you soon.


Yours faithfully,
XXX (别选上面那个抄我答案的。)