
我是XX,是上海市复旦附中(Rattaché à l'université de Fudan)高三的学生。我是一个乐观开朗的女孩子,有较强的适应能力和责任心。我热心公益活动,平时参加了很多社会工作。我的爱好十分广泛,文化成绩和动手能力都很出色。清华大学是全国最好的大学,成为清华的一员一直是我的梦想。很荣幸今天能参加这次面试,非常感谢清华大学给了我这样一个机会。我会努力做到最好,谢谢。

Hi. I am XX, a senior 3 student from High School Affiliated to Fudan University. I am an optimistic, cheerful girl, with strong adaptability, sense of responsibility and wide interest. I am enthusiastic about public welfare activities, that usually take part in a number of social work. There is a high score on my transcript. Besides, I always put my ideas to be proofed truth. It is my dream to become a member of the Tsinghua University that Tsinghua University is the best. Thanks a lot for this chance of interview.
I think i would be the happiest one in this world if you could give me another chance to enter Tsinghua University.
Thank you very much.


第1个回答  2008-12-30
I am xx, a Senior 3 student from Shanghai Fudan attached middle school. With a sanguine nature disposition, adaptive faculty and sense of responsibility, I am enthusiastic in public welfare concerning activities. I have catholic tastes, and I always get high scores in my study and I am also excellent in practical ability. Qinghua University is the best university all over the country, it's always my dream to be one member of Qinghua team.
I am honored to attend this interview, and i appreciate you for giving me this precious chance. I will always do my best, thank you all!!