

Reading experience

I like the book a lot of truth, so that we benefit. In all my books, I particularly like <<steel is how Make> "and" <皮皮鲁rumored >>.<< Tempered steel is how>> the book the heroine is a身残志坚, he called Paul.柯察gold, is that he has been encouraged by me to the difficult challenges ahead.

Mercilessly killed in the injury of his health, so he had to lay in bed, he still does not yield to fate, to overcome the difficulties, tenacious determination to writing, to another way to practice the oath of his life.

Saying "an iron bar into a needle," This is true in the body of Paul. From him, I learned a lot worse. Everyone at the same time in the face of bad luck, there will be a different approach. Some give up, there is the idea of suicide ; are some more bad luck, the more is to fight with the bad luck. "Tempered Steel is how" must be made in order to hone a lot of people will not do is also a reason?

<<Make steel is>> I like it very much. Paul who gather in the spirit of that era the best quality ----- dedication to the noble ideal of quality. This spirit of things to learn.

<<皮皮鲁rumor>> is about the story of a naughty boy, even though many people think that boys of this book is worth reading, I am curious, why do we girls will not be able to read ah!

Although the surface of our girls quiet, in fact, than the boys but also crazy. Although relatively careful girls, boys, but also sloppy, but胆子小girls, as boys to the brave. Bold. Sometimes those boys really admire.

<<皮皮鲁rumored>> This book let me understand that we have to learn the boy's bold. Decisive. Girls are sometimes hesitant to be tired of. So boys. Do girls have to learn from each other! As Confucius said, " three line behavior than my teacher. Optional its from the good, the bad and the changing of persons. "

These two books, I become stronger, let me know how to learn from each other. At the same time, I will encounter difficulties in a smiley face to face, facial expression is not dwarf. In fact, if the book is the real philosophy of life.
第1个回答  2009-04-17
第2个回答  2009-04-19

Help your friend to deal with the bleeding if she can.

求一篇大学英语三分钟演讲稿 救命啊 急救
First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”Needles...


5、 要提高课堂应变能力---在课前多思考可能会出现的情况;6、 自身需要提高专业水平(比如,授课内容为如何写好演讲稿,老师本身就要体现出较高的写作能力,因为孩子 们会把我们当成这一方面的能手)8、 注意目光交流---可以扫视全班, 针对个别注意力不集 讲课内容要生动活泼---可适当添加故事,...

The most basic action like this--- This is popping This is breaking ,the boy who danced breaking called b-boy, and girl called b-girl, b-boy not is bad boy, so is b-girl . This is my best love--new jazz HIP - HOP...

3. 演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。安徽提示词数100左右,信的格式已写好,那就意味着考生在写信时应加上开头;湖南08年要求考生就三个人物中你最喜欢的一位写。二、写全要点表格类文一个不能少,图画类要看说明,如天津根据三幅画写日记,在记叙中不能丢到重要环节。三、卷面干净下文就没做到卷面干净...

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今天夜里比较太平,没有急救发生。 表扬演讲稿2 以前孩子们在生活习惯上做得很好,比如按时起床,刷牙,洗脸然后读英语,晚上睡觉前洗脚洗袜子等等。我认为一个人保持良好的生活习惯和学习习惯对其以后的成长甚至一生都有好处,因此当孩子很小的时候我就很注重这一点的培养。随着孩子年龄的增长阅历的增加,我又没有及时的...

1. 来一篇语文课前5分钟演讲稿 学会珍惜生命有这样一篇寓言故事:山脚下的一个村庄里,住着一位饱经沧桑的老人。 他老伴去世了,两个儿女也相继死去。他孤孤单单地生活着。 疾病折磨着他,他的身体太弱了。依靠乡亲们的接济,老人才勉强活下来。 可是,倔强的老人不愿接受人们的施舍,他要靠自己的力量生活。于是,他...

一起来看看 护士节 优秀 演讲稿 5篇,欢迎查阅! 护士节优秀演讲稿1 时至今日,很多同学还是不敢相信我当了护士,而且是急诊科护士!因为,在他们的印象中,像我这样一个曾经打个预防针都要逃进卫生间的文弱小女孩,怎么面对急诊室的血腥场面呢? 可是文弱的女孩也有梦想,做天使的梦想使女孩更坚强。还记得《血疑》...
