
Lesson: Getting an Online University Degree Part I: Listen and Read: Read along with the audio recording. Getting an Online University Degree I've decided to get an online university degree through distance education instead of attending a traditional school. In such a program, students don't have to attend classes in a regular classroom. Instead, they go online and interact with fellow students and the teacher in a virtual classroom using bulletin boards or other Internet tools. Also, students sometimes share ideas through text or voice chat. Students still have to do assignments, write papers, and take tests, but everything is done online at a student's own convenience. The students sometimes work at their own pace depending on the class schedule, but getting an online university degree can provide more flexibility and study options than before. Part II: Discussion - What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting online degrees? - Do you think such programs are as rigorous and challenging as traditional programs? - Do you think employers rate the value of an online degree the same as a traditional degree? - What types of people would most benefit from such online degrees?

课程:网上大学学位第一部分:听和阅读:阅读与录音。收到网上大学学位我已经决定让网上大学学位通过远程教育,而非传统的学校就读。在这样一个计划,学生不上课经常教室。相反,他们上网和互动的同学和老师在一个虚拟教室使用公告板或其他互联网工具。另外,有时学生交流思想,通过文字或语音聊天。学生仍然必须做的任务,写论文,并采取测试,但一切都在网上做一个学生自己的方便。有时工作的学生按自己的速度取决于一流的时间表,而是要一个在线大学学位可以提供更大的灵活性和选择比以前的研究。第二部分:论-什么是的优点和缺点越来越在线度? -你认为这样的程序是严格的和富有挑战性的传统节目? -你是否认为雇主率的价值,网上程度一样传统程度? -什么类型的人会最受益于这种在线度?
第1个回答  2009-03-27
第2个回答  2019-12-13