

第1个回答  2009-05-25
"Pride and Prejudice" is a representative of Austin, Austin is the most popular works in a novel. This works for the material in the daily life of a society at that time the anti-popular sentimental novel on the content and methods of artificial writing, vividly reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century and in the conservative state of occlusion of the British state of township life and the world human. "Pride and Prejudice" the marriage of the four basic embrace the society at that time the state of love and marriage, by marriage and love in four different description, analysis and discussion, the full manifestation of the author's love and marriage. This article is the fourth marriage through a detailed analysis to explore the "Pride and Prejudice" in the concept of love and marriage: love marriage and property and social status are interrelated, love marriage can not only depend on the property and social status, the correct marriage should be based on mutual love, the basis of mutual respect. Both oppose the marriage for money, but also against the imprudent marriage, marriage stressed the importance of emotions and feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of an ideal marriage.