

仿佛时间被盗走了一般,转眼间,我已不再是哪个不谙世事、天真童稚的小女孩了。我即将成为一名初中生,然而我怎么舍得这些朝夕相处的朋友们和对我们谆谆教导的老师们呢? 还记得一年级的时候,妈妈拉着我的手走进校门。可如今,为什么我仍然觉得那仿佛就是一天前发生的事情,那样难以忘怀呢?还记得从前当班委、课代表的时候,我一本正经的样子和严厉的表情,为什么都这样的清晰可见呢?还记得又是因为一点小事和同学吵得不可开交、整得面红耳赤的场景,为什么还那样的历历在目呢?还记得第一次作为小记者领到稿费的时候喜悦的心情,还记得有同学要转走时大家的依依惜别之情,还记得和好朋友说悄悄话咬耳朵的声音,为什么这一切的一切都恍如昨日呢? 也许五天或十天后我们就要离开这个熟悉的地方了吧?走过操场那一排排茂密的白杨树,抚摸着那曾经贴着让人“几家欢喜几家愁”的红榜的后墙上的瓷片,看着曾经用来和朋友通信的信箱,一幕又一幕的回忆映入脑海,顿时有了一种想哭的感觉。就要这样离开了?我轻声地问自己。我无法给这里留下任何东西,一丝都不行。 那些曾经一起哭一起笑一起快乐一起痛苦一起激动的日子就要结束了。或许以后我还有机会能再次来到这里,但再也找不回以前的感觉了。真的不甘心啊。纵使有再多的美好回忆,也都变成几缕轻烟,风吹即散,不会有一个美好的结局。我知道有句老话:“天下没有不散的宴席”,可我还是很想把这些记忆封存在脑海里,无论是快乐或是忧伤。我们就这样散了,走了。人去楼却不会空,因为还有下一届、下下一届的学生补上来。但他们终究也要面对同样伤感的结局。 不想,却无奈。这是上天为我们安排的命运,谁都无力改变。只有尽力不留下遗憾,再回首就不至于非常伤感。可无憾也不代表就是圆满。什么是圆满?只有每个人自己去体会了。 罢了。凡事该来的总会来的,谁也逃不过,都必须勇敢地面对并接受它,即使你不想,因为没有人能够违背。 既然这样,我们只能使结局更圆满一些。希望你能让你的结局“圆满”。
As if time were stolen away, in a twinkling, I which is no longer the inexperienced and naive childish little girl. I am going to be a junior high school students, but how do I willing to part with or use the elbow's friends and the teachers inculcate to us? Remember when in grade one, my mother took my hand into the school gate. But now, why I still feel as though that is what happened one day before, so unforgettable? Remember committee on duty, class representative, I am serious and stern expression, why so clear? Remember fighting because some trifle and classmates again the trot, the whole scene of red, why am I still so vivid? Remember the first time as a reporter to receive the payment when the joyful mood, remember there's students to turn to when you said goodbye, remember friends whisper whispering voice, why it all seems like yesterday? Maybe five days or ten days we're going to leave this familiar place? Walked past the playground the rows of lush poplar, stroking that used to stick to \"several glad several sorrow\" on the back wall of the inventory of ceramics, looked at once to communication with friends mailbox, scene after scene of recall to mind, suddenly have a feeling of want to cry. Would be left? I quietly asked himself. Anything I can't leave here, a little all not line. Those who cry together smile together happy pain excited together day will be over. May I have a chance to come here again later, but can't find the feeling of back to before. Really unwilling ah. Even if there are more good memories, also have become a ray of light smoke, the wind blows away, won't have a good ending. I know there is an old saying: \"there is no such thing as a\" good things come to an end, but I still want to put these memory storage in your mind, whether happy or sad. So we broke up, and go. People go to the floor but not empty, because there are the next, and down to fill up the students. But they will also face the same sad ending. Don't want to, but it is helpless. This is the fate of the god arrange for us, who are unable to change. Only try my best to not regret it, looking back we would not be very sad. But no han also does not represent is satisfactory. What is complete? Only everybody to feel it himself. Just. Always come, for all things who also escape, however, must be brave and accept it, even if you don't want to, because no one can break it. In this case, we can only make the more perfect some. I hope you can make you the perfect ending.追问



题目:小学 美好回忆
英语:Primary school good memories

第1个回答  2014-05-15


第2个回答  2014-05-15

